It is our pleasure to invite academic and non-academic staff to the International Staff Week at University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic and OTH Amberg – Weiden, Germany.
May 11 – 15, 2020
The programme will consist of a mixture of meetings, presentations and workshops at the UWB campus, beautiful city of Pilsen (3 days) and OTH Amberg – Weiden, Germany (2 days).
Two areas of networking in 2 different regions Bohemia & Bavaria:
1) Cooperation of regional institutions
2) International students integration
The online registration form will be available from 01.02.2020 till 31.03.2020 on the UWB website:
http://international.zcu.cz/en/ (http://international.zcu.cz/en/)
The International Staff Week will accept limited amount of participants. We will confirm to the registered applicants their participation ASAP. Not later than the beginning of April 2020.
For more information, please don´t hesitate to contact us!
We look forward to meeting you at UWB, in Pilsen and OTH Amberg – Weiden, Germany!
ostatnie zmiany 2020-01-21 12:25:57