Information No. 4 of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology of 18 March 2020. on the deadlines for the payment of tuition fees for part-time degree programs and fees charged for repeating courses in full-time and part-time degree programs in the period of the suspension of classes at the University due to SARS-CoV-2 outbreak
The terms and deadlines set out in this Information No. 4 for the payment of tuition fees and fees charged for repeating courses shall also apply to international students enrolled in full-cycle full-time and full-cycle part-time degree programs at Lodz University of Technology.
1. I hereby inform you that in connection with the decision of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology on the possibility to continue the process of education by distance learning during the suspension of on-campus teaching in the summer semester of 2019/20, the terms for the payment of tuition fees for full-time degree programs (applies to international students as referred to above), part-time degree programs and fees charged for repeating courses in full-time and part-time degree programs shall remain unchanged.
2. I hereby inform you that the previously agreed tuition fees for full-time degree programs (applies to international students as referred to above), part-time degree programs and fees charged for repeating courses in full-time and part-time degree programs shall remain in force.
3. I hereby introduce the following amendments to the deadlines for the payment of tuition fees for full-time degree programs (applies to international students as referred to above), part-time degree programs and fees charged for repeating courses in full-time and part-time degree programs:
a. the deadlines for the payment of tuition fees for the summer semester 2019/20 for full-time degree programs (applies to international students as referred to above), part-time degree programs shall be extended by 45 calendar days,
b. the deadlines for the payment of fees charged for repeating courses in full-time and part-time degree programs in the summer semester 2019/20 shall be extended by 45 calendar days,
c. the deadlines for the payment of outstanding tuition fees and fees for the repetition of courses completed prior to the summer semester 2019/20 and the rules for charging interest for late payment remain in force.
Amendments listed under a., b., and c. shall remain in force until further notice.
Dr hab. inż. Witold Pawłowski, prof. PŁ
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs
Deputy Head of Crisis Management Cent
ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-03 12:18:14