2020-03-24 02:43:35

The development of the epidemic in Poland and in Europe causes further decisions on security principles.

Restrictions on movement are introduced

Until April 11 inclusive, you will not be able to move freely outside your living, health and professional goals.

Therefore, the restrictions do not apply to:

  • travel to work. If you are an employee, run your own business or farm, you have the right to get to your job. You also have the right to buy goods and services related to your professional activity.
  • volunteering. If you work to fight coronavirus and help those in need to be in quarantine or who should not leave your home, you can move around as part of this activity.
  • dealing with matters necessary for everyday life. You will be able to move around to do the necessary shopping, buy medicines, see a doctor, look after relatives and walk the dog.

Important! You can only move in a group of up to two people. This restriction does not apply to families.

As many people as half of the seats on the bus

Public transport public transport continues to operate. However, only half of the seats can be occupied on a bus, tram or subway. If there are 70 seats in the vehicle, it can have a maximum of 35 people on its board.We want Poles to have access to communication. However, we must ensure that the buses are not overcrowded.

Total ban on gatherings - except with loved ones

The new regulations also prohibit any gatherings, meetings, events or meetings. However, you will be able to meet your loved ones.

Safety rules during religious ceremonies

Restrictions on movement also do not apply to people who want to participate in religious events. Here, however, we have introduced another important principle. More than 5 people will not be able to participate in the mass or other religious rite at the same time - excluding those who exercise the ministry. However, we encourage you to participate in religious events via television, radio or the Internet.


Restrictions on the number of people do not apply to workplaces. However, they should apply particularly strict recommendations of the Chief Sanitary Inspector in the field of maintaining the distance of employees, disinfectants.

Other restrictions still apply

Despite the changes introduced, all previous bans remain in force, i.e. restrictions on the operation of shopping malls, catering and entertainment activities.

A mandatory 14-day quarantine for those returning from abroad is also still in operation.

Source: www.gov.pl (http://www.gov.pl)

ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-24 02:48:19

Coronavirus: latest information and recommendations (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/coronavirus)

(https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/user/119) Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/user/119)