Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education of the Lodz University of Technology on access to distance learning for exchange students in the summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020 of 31 March 2020
1. The announcement includes all groups of students registered for exchange in the summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020, in particular:
1.1. students of the Lodz University of Technology registered as exchange students who have returned to Poland or plan to return to Poland in the near future and participate or want to participate in online activities organized at the Lodz University of Technology;
1.2. students of the Lodz University of Technology registered as exchange students who have returned to Poland or plan to return to Poland in the nearest future and participate or want to participate in online classes at the foreign university where they started their mobility,
1.3. students of the Lodz University of Technology registered as exchange students who plan to stay abroad until the end of the assumed mobility period and continue their mobility,
1.4. students of the Lodz University of Technology registered as exchange students pursuing studies under the double degree programme.
2. Each student from the above mentioned groups 1.1 and 1.2 should be aware that due to the current situation there is a risk that the subjects containing the practical part (e.g. laboratories) may not be passed in full. In such cases, the student may receive a confirmation of participation and credit for the part of the course that was delivered by distance learning methods at a foreign university, while the practical part should be delivered at the Lodz University of Technology (the student should apply for such a possibility earlier), provided that this part is delivered in a scope at least similar to the one delivered at a foreign university in any subject at the Lodz University of Technology. Students from these groups should consider the possibility of completing the courses at TUL in such a number as to obtain 30 ECTS assigned to a mobile semester. Some of the courses completed at the foreign university will be subject to the procedure of partial recognition of learning outcomes and the necessity to complete the missing learning outcomes and ECTS credits at TUL.
3. It is suggested that TUL students on exchange in the summer semester of the 2019/2020 academic year should make every effort to choose a comprehensive offer of education at their partner university, filling 30 ECTS points, as this may be a condition for a positive settlement of the entire mobility grant.
4. Each student from the above mentioned groups (1.1 to 1.3), who will not be able to choose a comprehensive offer at the partner university, will be given an opportunity to participate in classes conducted by means of distance learning methods at TUL. It will be organized in the following way:
4.1. A student of the Lodz University of Technology selects from an offer of study programmes carried out in the summer semester at the Lodz University of Technology the subjects in which he or she would like to participate and declares his or her wish to participate.
4.2. The application for participation in a course will be considered to be an electronic application sent by a student of the Lodz University of Technology registered for the exchange to the Dean's Office for Student Affairs, CC to the Dean's Office, with an indication of the planned courses, together with their code and the name of the teacher. The last day for applications is 8 April.
4.3. Not later than 15 April this year, each teacher shall receive a full list of students referred to in point 1, who should be given access to the conducted classes.
4.4. The responsibility for monitoring the implementation of point 4.3 of the above announcement lies with the Vice Dean for Student Affairs of the faculty responsible for the student's study programme.
5. In the case of students of the Lodz University of Technology registered as exchange students under a double diploma, the continuation of the mobility will take place in accordance with the rules established jointly with the foreign partner.
Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, DSc, PhD, MSc,
Vice Rector for Education
Head of the TUL Crisis Management Centre
ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-31 04:27:22