Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education regarding the implementation of compulsory student internships in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 virus threat of April 3, 2020.
Further to the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on the implementation of mandatory student internships in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 virus threat of 1 April 2020, I would like to inform you that due to the announced state of the epidemic and restrictions imposed on the activities of many companies, mandatory student internships of the students of Lodz University of Technology taking place in the summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020 may be suspended based on individual or group referrals before the end of the internship period specified in the agreements. Suspension and the process of settling the period of the completed internship will be carried out according to the following rules:
1. Students currently participating in internships on the basis of a referral from the University may at any time decide to suspend them or to continue them, according to the possibility of their further implementation in the company, primarily taking into account safety issues.
2. In the case of a decision to suspend the internship, the student is obliged to immediately send an e-mail from the university IT system e-mail account to the address of the relevant internship supervisor, statements on suspension of the internship together with justification and confirmation from the company that this is in consultation with the internship supervisor on the part of the company.
3.In addition, the student is required to submit to the appropriate internship supervisor a report on the course of the completed part of the internship and information about the planned continuation of the suspended internship (agreed and confirmed by the supervisor on the part of the company). The report is necessary to credit the completed part of the internship.
4.If it is impossible to attach documents confirming their implementation to the internship report, the student should inform the relevant internship supervisor about this fact. Confirmation that the current part of the internship has been completed may be presented by the student at a later date.
5. In the absence of the possibility of continuing the internship in the current enterprise, the student is obliged to inform the proper internship supervisor about this fact and, if possible, present a plan for the implementation of the remaining part of the internship.
6. The decision to credit the previously completed part of the internship is made by the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, based on the opinion of the internship supervisor submitted by the student, a report compliant with the requirements and documents confirming the internship. Obtained learning outcomes during the internship must be consistent with the assumed learning outcomes contained in the internship syllabus.
7. The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs may decide to recognize the current internship as guaranteeing the achievement of all learning outcomes assumed for the placement.
8. In the case of crediting the internship in part, the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, after consulting the head of the relevant Study Field Council, will determine the method of supplementing the missing learning outcomes resulting from the internship syllabus.
9. Should it be impossible for students of the last semester of studies to complete the internship in the summer semester, the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs may decide to shorten the duration of the internship and determine an alternative way of achieving the missing learning outcomes assumed for the internship (e.g. by conducting classes in form of exercises, laboratories, workshops, using methods and techniques of distance learning or at the University after the period of restrictions).
10. If, during the period of an epidemic, it will not be possible to continue the commenced and on-going internship on the basis of an agreement between the university and the employer, the achievement by the student of the learning outcomes envisaged for the internship through the use of distance learning methods and techniques may be realized after the end of the period of suspension of direct education, but not longer than until the end of the summer examination session.
11. Internships implemented by students under civil-law contracts or internship contracts may also be suspended and settled according to the principles presented, but the student is responsible for regulating relations arising from these contracts with the enterprise.
12. In matters related to the implementation and settlement of internships, the exchange of information shall take place by telephone or e-mail. All documents regarding internships, during the suspension of direct education at the University, are sent only electronically.
Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, DSc, PhD, MSc,
Vice Rector for Education
Head of the TUL Crisis Management Centre
ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-04 03:54:29