Erasmus+ programme countries (



The Erasmus+ programme is designed to support participating countries in making effective use of the potential of social capital and promoting lifelong learning.

ERASMUS+ Higher Education within the component "Mobility of Students and Staff to Programme Countries" offers:

  • mobility of students to and from partner universities abroad to pursue part of their studies there;
  • mobility of students and graduates to complete internships in institutions,  companies and organisations in European countries;
  • mobility of academic teachers to partner universities and mobility of teachers  from these universities in order to conduct didactic classes;
  • mobility of university staff to partner universities and to other cooperating institutions, organisations and enterprises for training purposes (improvement of qualifications, broadening of knowledge in a given field, participation in trainings, etc.).

The Programme Countries are the Member States of the European Union, Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, the countries of the European Economic Area – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway.

Information is also available on the website ( of the European Commission.


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