Dear members of the academic community,
The safety of each of you and the operational stability of Lodz University of Technology are my priorities. For the last months I have been the head of the Crisis Management Unit at our University. This experience allowed me to become well aware of the challenges we had to cope with in the face of the still ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
We make every effort to ensure that Lodz University of Technology functions effectively, fulfilling its mission of education and scientific research. Present regulations are and will be published on this website (https://koronawirus.p.lodz.pl/en/regulations-announcements), I would like to encourage you to follow it systematically.
I would like to thank all of you - research and teaching staff, administration, engineering and technical staff, as well as students and PhD students for your commitment and effort put into the university during the partial closure of the campus. In the face of such a huge task we met the challenge and gradually returned to the walls of our University, but we must not forget that the threat still exists.
Every decision related to the way Lodz University of Technology operates is made with adjustment to the current, still dynamic, epidemic situation in the country and in the world. Our community is formed by residents of various regions of Poland and parts of the world. We conduct extensive international cooperation with partners from several dozen countries, and since defence against the coronavirus is a global challenge, the return to pre-pandemic activities will be gradual. Feeling responsible for the health and life of members of the academic community, as well as their loved ones, we have decided to implement a hybrid system at TUL.
In the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021 the didactic classes at Lodz University of Technology for all forms and levels of education will be carried out in a mixed way, i.e. both through direct contact with lecturers at the university, as well as with the use of distance learning methods and tools.
We all hope to return to normal work as soon as possible. Mutual care and responsible attitude will undoubtedly contribute to this.
Best regards,
prof. Krzysztof Jóżwik
Rector of TUL
ostatnie zmiany 2020-09-14 01:12:59