Information of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of TUL on the resumption of the activities of university student organisations, university doctoral student organisations and university student and doctoral associations at TUL
Please be informed that as of October 1, 2020 it is possible to resume the activities of university student organizations, university doctoral student organizations and university student and doctoral associations at Lodz University of Technology on the premises of the university.
The resumption and operation will take place according to the following rules:
1. A university organisation or association resuming its activities in the facilities of the university shall be required to submit a request to the head of the organisational unit of the university, at which the organisation conducts its activities, if so provided for in its regulations, for permission to resume activities. If the rules and regulations of the Organization do not specify the organizational unit at which the Organization conducts its activities, the consent for resumption of activities shall be given by the Vice-Rector for Students' Affairs; in such a case, the application shall be accompanied by the consent of the administrator of the facility at which the Organization conducts its activities. If the Organization has an appointed Supervisor on behalf of the university, the applications listed above should be accompanied by the Supervisor's opinion
2. The use of the premises and other assets of the University for the purposes of the Organization is subject to the agreement of the conditions with the administrators of these resources in accordance with the relevant internal regulations of the University. The assets are understood as the area, premises and other facilities as well as their office, teaching and research equipment, devices, vehicles, means of communication and infrastructure of the university's computer network.
3. The Organization's activities at the University's facilities may be conducted only on the basis of general safety principles, including those introduced in connection with the COVID-19 epidemic risk, as defined in the regulations currently in force at the University.
4. Supervision over the observance of safety rules in connection with the epidemic risk by members of the Organization shall be exercised accordingly by: The Organization's Supervisor (if established) or the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs of the faculty, the Head of the College - at which the Organization operates, or the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs.
5. The functioning and financing of the Organization's activity is carried out pursuant to the rules set out in the Rules and Regulations of functioning at the University and financing from the funds of the University student organizations, doctoral student organizations and student and doctoral student associations at Lodz University of Technology introduced in the Ordinance No. 18/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology dated March 2, 2020.
The above rules apply until further notice.
Assoc. Prof. Witold Pawłowski Ph.D., D.Sc
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs
ostatnie zmiany 2020-10-02 08:18:17