New security rules across the country
During the fight against the coronavirus, the most important thing is our responsible behavior and compliance with the applicable restrictions. Therefore, new safety rules are introduced. After the changes, some counties with the highest number of cases will go to the red zone. From October 10, the entire country will be included in the yellow zone, with the exception of counties belonging to the red zone.
Nose and mouth cover compulsory nationwide
Remember to cover your nose and mouth in public spaces - in shops, buses, but also on the street. It will be compulsory nationwide!
Importantly, only people who have a medical certificate or a document confirming disability are exempt from this obligation.
Restaurants - new rules
In order to minimize the spread of the coronavirus, eateries in the red zone will be able to open at certain times - from 6:00 to 22:00. There should be a safe distance in such places throughout the country - there should be at least 4 m2 per person.
Also, throughout the country, no places for dancing are available in restaurants and other closed rooms.
At special events - fewer guests
In a situation where you are planning to organize baptism parties, weddings or other special events, you should remember that there is a limit of people who can participate in such events. In the red zone - 50 people, in other counties - 75 people. In order for you to prepare properly, this limitation will take effect with a one-week adjustment period on October 17th.
New rules for cultural events
There is a total ban on organizing and participating in cultural events in the red zone. In cinemas, however, may be 25 percent of the audience. How does it look for in the rest of the country?
In a confined space, this type of event can take place with the participation of 25%. audience - the same rule applies in cinemas. A maximum of 100 people can participate in cultural events that take place outdoors - however, the number of viewers, listeners, visitors or participants cannot exceed 1 person per 5 m2.
Be safe during the assembly
The limitation on the number of meeting attendees will still apply. It can be up to 150 people. Participants must cover their mouth and nose and keep a minimum distance of 1.5 m from other people. Additionally, there must be a distance between meetings - a minimum of 100 meters.
More hospital beds and a new coordination process
Hospital security is a priority when fighting the coronavirus.
Therefore, number of beds for COVID-19 patients is increasing. A coordination hospital will be established in each voivodeship, with additional intensive care stations for patients infected with coronavirus.
The Coordination Hospital will act as the main hospital in the voivodeship. Importantly, it will be focused on caring for a COVID-19 patient. The directors of these institutions will be included in the voivodeship crisis management teams, which will coordinate:
- patient flow between hospitals in agreement with doctors from other hospitals, primary care doctors and outpatient specialist care,
- movement of "swab" and transport ambulances,
- transfer of patients to isolatories.
Thanks to the increased number of hospitals, the number of available beds will increase to 13.5 thousand.
Greater role of primary care physicians
the role of primary care physicians increases in the fight against the coronavirus. After the changes, doctors will be able to:
- refer the patient to home isolation,
- refer the patient to the isolation room.
The obligation to meet 4 criteria for the COVID-19 test during teleportation is also lifted.
Zero tolerance for non-compliance with safety rules
The principle - zero tolerance for non-compliance with the safety rules applies. Our health depends on mutual responsibility. Remember that! That's why:
- follow the current restrictions,
- cover your mouth and nose,
- often wash and disinfect your hands,
- keep a safe distance from other people,
- avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth,
- install the STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe application on your phone.
SMS will remind you about the entering the red zone
From Friday - October 9, the Government Center for Security will send SMS messages to the residents of the counties that have entered the red zone. All this so that we remember to follow the applicable rules.
In the text message you will find a link to a dedicated tab at www.gov.pl/koronawirus (http://www.gov.pl/koronawirus). Thanks to this, you can quickly check what restrictions will apply in your county.
Stay safe with the STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe application
Fighting the threat can be easier thanks to the STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe application. The application is completely safe, free and voluntary. The more of us use it, the faster and more effectively we will reduce the pace and extent of the spread of the coronavirus. Download, install and use the STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe application!
What is it about? If you install the application, your phone will monitor its surroundings in search of other phones (but not people) on which this application is also installed. During this time, STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe analyzes the length (time) and distance of the contact. It only remembers contacts that lasted more than 15 minutes, at a distance of less than 2 meters. If any of these people with whom you have been in contact for a long time, you will get a relevant notification with instructions on what to do in this situation.
Importantly - in the notification you will not find information about who fell ill and when and where you had contact with this person.
Source: www.gov.pl (http://www.gov.pl)
ostatnie zmiany 2020-10-09 10:28:46