New technologies, magnetic rail and infrastructure of the future. Monika Jagodzińska, a third-year student and a committed representative of the Student Government at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, tells us what studying transport is like.
I have chosen the field of transport because...
My family has been involved in transport for as long as I can remember so I thought of graduating from university in this field. I have been fascinated by the world of automotive and railway industries and the ever-changing technical solutions used in these branches of transport. I chose Lodz University of Technology because it met my professional expectations and was highly ranked.
The field of transport enables you to learn...
Transport is a field that includes technical knowledge that every engineer should have such as: mechanics, mechanics of materials and manufacturing techniques, it is also rich in subjects that focus on road and rail transport such as: traffic engineering, transport infrastructure, logistics and railway traffic control. Depending on your interests, you can then choose from a range of specialisations.
What is studying transport like?
Transport is used in virtually every branch of industry. Lodz University of Technology knows it very well and that is why it educates professionals who move with the times. Such engineers are familiar not only with current propulsion systems and infrastructure areas, but also with those that are yet to appear on the market, such as magnetic railways. The basis of such an education is a combination of theory and practice. During our infrastructure classes we were able to modernise a real housing estate in Tychy, taking into account everything from kerb height to curve widenings and bus bays to designing a roundabout instead of an intersection to increase capacity. All the project, laboratory, exercise and lecture classes develop our capabilities and allow us to gain specific skills which will be useful in our future work.
And after classes...
I devote a lot of time to voluntary work at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. My greatest achievements include being a member of the Faculty Scholarship Committee as well as the Faculty Self-Government Council. The Faculty Scholarship Committee helps to compile documents in order to help the neediest students receive not only social scholarships, but also allowances in case of accidents, childbirth or death of a loved one. In turn, the Faculty Self-Government Council is responsible for a whole range of student events and activities, such as integration events, concerts to celebrate student festival (Juwenalia), Christmas campaigns and competitions. Working in these organisations has not only helped me gain skills that I can include proudly in my CV, but it has also allowed me to meet many wonderful people.
What I value most about TUL...
Many opportunities for development. It is worth remembering that studies offer great opportunities and apart from studying at university there are many organizations and scientific clubs where you can not only pursue your passions but also travel and see the world. Thanks to my studies at TUL, I have met many interesting people and taken part in fascinating projects. Choose the field with a great future and join us!
Monika Jagodzińska
Transport student
ostatnie zmiany 2021-03-03 11:34:31