Accommodation rules in student halls of residence at Lodz University of Technology in the academic year 2021/2022
1. Accommodation procedures:
1) a student who has been given a place in a hall of residence is obliged to check in on the date indicated in the announcement of the Head of the Residential Campus of Lodz University of Technology on accommodation in student halls of residence in the academic year 2021/2022;
2) persons who cannot check in on the required date should notify the administrative staff of the student halls of residence by phone or e-mail. Contacts to individual halls of residence can be found on the website of Lodz University of Technology at: (;
3) students who apply for accommodation enter the hall of residence in which they have been allocated a place one by one;
4) only a person entitled to accommodation may enter the premises;
5) people waiting for accommodation may stay only outside the building of the hall of residence and are obliged to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 m between those waiting and to cover their mouth and nose with masks;
6) all persons entering the halls of residence are obliged to cover their mouths and nose and disinfect their hands, as well as follow the rules applicable to the residents of halls of residence during the COVID-19 epidemic;
7) in order to efficiently carry out the accommodation process, the student should prepare previously completed forms: questionnaire and statements, which are available on the TUL Student Self-Government website at: (;
8) the student should become familiar with the current Rules and Regulations of Student Halls of Residence at TUL Campus and the rules concerning the prevention of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. By signing the relevant declarations, the student undertakes to strictly comply with them. The student uses his own writing instruments;
9) Only people who:
a) do not have health complaints characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 infection (fever, cough, dyspnoea),
b) during the last 14 days, they had no contact with a person who was confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 or with a person in quarantine,
c) are not in quarantine;
10) the person with the symptoms is not involved in the accommodation process and should immediately contact the GP. The person who finds out about the symptoms should notify the
administration of the hall of residence in which the place has been granted in order to arrange an individual, later date of accommodation;
11) the administration may refuse to accommodate a person with symptoms.
2. Rules of using student halls of residence of Lodz University of Technology:
1) students are accommodated in single and double rooms;
2) residents are required to cover their mouth and nose with protective masks in all common parts of student hall of residence, maintain a social distance of at least 1.5 m and each time they enter the hand disinfection building with disinfectant liquid from contactless dispensers at the entrances to the buildings;
3) there are restrictions on the number of people who can stay in common areas at the same time, such as kitchens and kitchenettes, laundries, drying rooms and restrictions on the use of an elevator. Information on the permissible number of people in a given room will be placed in a visible place at the entrance to the room, e.g. on the entrance door and inside the room;
4) residents may use public spaces, such as: gyms, billiard rooms, fitness rooms, club rooms, recreation rooms, study rooms, drawing rooms, TV rooms, provided that the sanitary regime is respected. Staying in the above-mentioned rooms will be possible only after prior written notification of such intention to the Residents Council of a given Hall of Residence, which keeps a register of their use;
5) in halls of residence there is information on the necessity to strictly observe certain rules concerning hygiene during coughing and sneezing, hand hygiene, avoiding touching the mouth and nose with hands, and absolutely avoiding close contact with persons with respiratory symptoms. Students are required to familiarize themselves with the above-mentioned information;
6) parties and assemblies, as well as the reception of guests who are not residents of the student halls of residence, are prohibited on the Campus.
7) regular disinfection of common areas, surfaces such as handrails, buttons, lifts etc. is carried out in the student halls of residence;
8) if the nature of the case does not require personal contact with administration employees, students are recommended to contact them by phone or e-mail. Students are required to cover their mouths and noses when in personal contact with staff in the student halls of residence.
3. Rules of conduct in the event of a suspected infection of a student resident:
1) if the student notices disturbing symptoms (fever above 38oC, cough, shortness of breath and trouble with breathing, muscle pain and general fatigue, loss of taste and smell), the student should immediately notify the dormitory administration by phone or e-mail and contact a GP;
2) from the moment of noticing the symptoms of infection, the student is obliged to stay in his room and not leave it until he receives instructions from the primary care physician;
3) in the event of symptoms of acute respiratory infection, the student should take far-reaching precautions when leaving the room, cover his mouth and nose with a mask, do not touch generally accessible surfaces in the building. The room where the person suspected of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus stayed is out of operation until it is disinfected;
4) in the case of a referral by the relevant services for quarantine, the student should inform the administration of the student hall of residence about this fact and, taking all possible precautions, leave the dormitory and go to the place of permanent residence or place for quarantine.
4. The Announcement shall enter into force on 7 October 2021, with effect from 1 October 2021.
ostatnie zmiany 2021-10-14 07:50:25