2022-09-16 08:33:44
International Days, Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de Castelló, Spain

EASD Castelló (https://easdcastello.org/) invites administrative and academic staff to International Lecturing and Staff Days which will take place on 13th – 17th February, 2023.

The host institution invites the academic personnel of universities to deliver lectures/workshops for students and for staff. The organiser is planning different activities available for both administrative and academic staff for example lectures, workshops, student projects.

More details and programme will be available soon.

Registration form is available here (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8z6OrkV2Pf7R8km3mHbDfocxHiisprKftzTft40HsOOl0XA/viewform).

ostatnie zmiany 2022-09-16 08:33:44

staff mobility (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/staff-mobility-0)

(https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/user/510) Anna Woźniak (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/user/510)