ECIUn+ (


The European Consortium of Innovative Universities

Consortium founded in 1997, is a network of universities with an international reputation for their expertise in innovative education, research, knowledge exchange and management in higher education.

ECIU logo
The fourteen members of the consortium share a strong commitment to entrepreneurship, innovative teaching and learning, and high-quality research. Working together and learning from each other, ECIU universities strive to achieve scientific and educational excellence that will have a real impact on business and society.
In response to the challenges facing European higher education, the consortium has decided to propose an innovative model for higher education on a European scale under the European University Initiative.
In 2019. ECIU University has been selected as one of the first European university networks under the Erasmus + program to become a full-fledged European university with a hybrid campus.
At the end of 2021, Lodz University of Technology joined the elite ECIU network as the only university in Poland.
The consortium is actively seeking funding from European Union programs including Erasmus+. As of November 1, 2022, a new ECIUn+ project co-financed by the EU has started, which will further develop the consortium and strengthen cooperation between its members. 
More information can be found on the TUL at the ECIU website ( and on the ECIU website (



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