TUL Study Camp (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/international-projects-and-programmes/educational-projects-tul/nawa/tul-study-camp)
TUL Study Camp (http://studycamp.p.lodz.pl/)
The main aim of the project "TUL Study Camp - Promotion of the educational offer of Lodz University of Technology among the Polonia in Argentina and Brazil" was to elaborate and test new innovative methods of promotion of our university in Latin America. It involved organization of a 14-day visit to our university of a group of young people from families of Polish origin in Brazil and Argentina. The visit took the form of a summer school, during which the young participants had a possibility to get acquainted with the TUL study offer, Lódź and Łódź region. During educational workshops they also learned new educational methods used at TUL (i.e. design thinking) and they improved their skills in Polish language. As a result they prepared recommendations on how to promote the university in Brasil and Argentina. After they came back they became Ambassadors of Lodz University of Technology in their countries.
The project was implemented in the period from 1 October 2018 to 30 September 2019.
The project was implemented under the NAWA Modern Foreign Promotion programme.
Go to the project website TUL Study Camp (http://studycamp.p.lodz.pl/).