You can register for the Conference by clicking here (https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=VVnqZ1ybk0ao-ZYPKjtJu0-W5xgEnY5Oro3MBrZO3RNUNktCVzlUMlJFUFBNRzQxQ1Q2OVdYNUtZNS4u&web=1&wdLOR=cD00709DD-B3D0-43CA-B358-DBEAF218E468).
The agenda and information about the conference are available in the attachment (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/sites/default/files/e-Close%2520Closing%2520Conference%2520Invitation%2520with%2520Agenda_0.pdf).
We will be grateful if you could share this invitation with your university authorities, fellow teachers, administrative staff and other stakeholders of innovative teaching and learning – we will be happy to welcome you all to spread the Project ideas!
If you need any assistance, please contact us at: joanna.stawicka@p.lodz.pl (mailto:joanna.stawicka@p.lodz.pl)
More information about the Project you can find on the website (http://eclose.p.lodz.pl/).
See you in Łódź!
ostatnie zmiany 2023-01-09 10:19:57