In Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 1,917 universities have been classified, and TUL has been ranked 168th in the world and 2nd in Poland. In Aerospace Engineering, 753 universities have been classified, and TUL has been ranked 279th in the world and 2nd in Poland. In Ocean Engineering, 547 HEIs have been listed with TUL taking 168th place in the world and 2nd in Poland. In Food Science, in which a total of 1,684 universities have been ranked, TUL has been located 348th in the world and 7th in Poland.
The SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is a classification of academic and research-related institutions ranked by a composite indicator that combines 17 indicators grouped into three different areas - research (50%), innovation (30%) and societal impact measured by their web visibility (20%). In the 2023 edition a total of 8433 entities have been classified, including 4533 HEIs. 71 Polish HEIs have been considered, with Jagiellonian University, University of Warsaw and AGH University of Science and Technology ranked highest.
More information (https://www.scimagoir.com/rankings.php?sector=Higher%20educ.)
ostatnie zmiany 2023-04-03 11:22:16