The main project objective is to accelerate HE contribution to the SDGs by cultivating social responsibility and shaping agents of change. The cross-sectoral consortium will jointly create an online learning space - SDGs University Knowledge Hub – with educational pathways leading the user towards skills development and obtaining recognition in the form of a digital badge. Partners will also create a board game supporting the understanding of the SDGs by shaping emotional intelligence (EQ). The initiative will be complemented by a roadmap for universities and a series of trainings, summer school and webinars for the target group.
The partnership will introduce an innovative mechanism of micro-credentials to enhance the quality, transparency, accessibility and flexibility of the learning offering related to the SDGs. The project aspires to inspire individuals – students, life-long learners as well as education and training providers, teacher and coaches - to take an active role in their communities and become the real agents of change in contributing to the SDGs.
On behalf of TUL, the work of the consortium is coordinated by the Director of the ICC - dr inż. Dorota Piotrowska, university professor. Partners in the project are Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), Welfare and Development Association (Spain), ACEEU (Germany), Riga Technical University (Latvia), Team Coaching (Poland). The project budget is 400,000 euro. It starts this autumn.
ostatnie zmiany 2023-07-27 09:12:44