Tallinn University (https://www.tlu.ee/en) in Estonia invites staff to participate in the Blended Intensive Programme consisting of trainings, workshops, group events, tours and presentations. The event will take place on December 11-15, 2023 and will be preceded by an online session.
The detailed information about the event is available here (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/sites/default/files/Tallinn_Invitation_0.pdf).
Dates of physical mobility: 11.12.2023 – 15.12.2023
Date of virtual mobility: before the physical part (TBC)
Attendance on all days is mandatory!
To apply, fill in the online application (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LS74uI3R0_kEkauqzG_3iL8d5F2zqWyCIATHukSFmDs/viewform?edit_requested=true) form.
DEADLINE to apply: 5th October
In case of questions, contact the organiser via the following email address: erasmus@tlu.ee (mailto:erasmus@tlu.ee) or exchange@tlu.ee (mailto:exchange@tlu.ee)
ostatnie zmiany 2023-09-15 10:00:34