Date: January 17th, 2024
Time: 11.00 - 13.00 CET
Platform: Zoom
During our gathering, the participants will have an opportunity to:
- Get to know inspiring success stories: Local coordinators, including from the Lodz University of Technology, will tell us about their projects implemented mainly under Action 2 of the Erasmus+ Programme (Cooperation among organisations and institutions).
- Understand the impact of projects on university development: We will learn how Erasmus+ projects contribute to the expansion of our institutions, broaden educational horizons and create strong international ties.
- Recognise the potential for further cooperation: The meeting is an opportunity to forge new partnerships with other ECIU member universities. Let's get ready for fascinating discussions and the exchange of ideas!
The event will start with an introduction followed by presentations in 10 breakout rooms.
See the attached list (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/sites/default/files/Breakout%2520rooms%2520%2526%2520projects.pdf) of presented projects and to choose which breakout room to join - please indicate your preferred option in the registration form (https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oUYycvXDxUOs3EOttASsTWkwlOlO57xGna6MwvDil5RUOExMTUdKT1FENlBERzVWVkNXVzRVS1lLNC4u).
A short wrap-up session will include a presentation of cooperation opportunities within the Erasmus+ 2024 call for proposals.
This event is organised by the ECIU Educational Cooperation Policy and Programmes (https://www.eciu.eu/eu-affairs) (EduCo) expert group.
To attend the event, please confirm your participation by January 10th, 2024.
We hope to meet you to discover together how Erasmus+ projects are shaping our universities and opening up new educational perspectives.
ostatnie zmiany 2023-12-08 09:05:47