Universidad Complutense de Madrid invites administrative staff to join the ERASMUS Library Staff Mobility Week. The event will take place in Madrid, Spain from May 27-31, 2024.
The programme consists of presentations by library staff in the Central Library Services and it will include visits to the Heritage Library, “María Zambrano” Library and faculty libraries in the Campus. This short-term stay for training purposes will offer librarians great opportunities for networking and for sharing knowledge, experiences and best practices within and across professional areas of the Complutense Library.
Detailed information (http://staffmobility.eu/staffweek/universidad-complutense-library-staff)
Registration is open until 19 April.
If you would like to join this event, please send a brief curriculum vitae of yours to this email: buc@ucm.es (mailto:buc@ucm.es)
ostatnie zmiany 2024-03-19 11:15:06