TUL made its debut in SDG 5 - Gender equality, ranking high in the 301-400 range (1,361 ranked institutions). This confirms the effectiveness of the university's efforts to ensure equal opportunities for women and men, among both employees and students.
Once again, TUL was ranked 1st in the country in SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth, and was ranked in this category in the global TOP 200. In SDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals, the university was ranked in the 401-600 range (4th in Poland). TUL also competed in SDG 9 - Industry, innovation, and infrastructure (ranking 301-400th globally and 3rd in Poland), in SDG 10 - Reduced inequalities and SDG 3 - Good health and well-being.
The ranking evaluated 2,152 universities, with 1,963 in Overall Ranking, including 25 from Poland. The University of Gdansk performed the best in the country. In the overall table, TUL was ranked in the 601-800 range. At the same time, it is the second highest ranked technical university in the country.
The leader of the world ranking was Australia's Western Sydney University, it topped the list for the third year in a row. In the second place were ex aequo the UK’s University of Manchester and Australia’s University of Tasmania.
THE Impact Ranking takes into account the university's contribution to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are the foundation of the 2030 Agenda adopted by the United Nations for the world's sustainable development. It contains 169 actions to be achieved by 2030, covering five key areas known as the 5Ps: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership.
More information (https://www.timeshighereducation.com/impactrankings)
ostatnie zmiany 2024-06-12 03:07:19