2024-10-29 01:16:08
NAWA invites you to learn more about the current scholarship opportunities within CEEPUS

The Central European Academic Exchange Programme CEEPUS encourages current and prospective coordinators and faculty partners of the CEEPUS network to check for updates on opportunities to realise academic mobility within the CEEPUS network and to organise summer schools/intensive courses according to the current announcements available on the NAWA website:

>>> CEEPUS Announcements (https://nawa.gov.pl/instytucje/ceepus/komunikaty-dotyczace-programu-ceepus)

Details on how to apply can be found in the FAQ section of the program homepage at  www.ceepus.info (http://www.ceepus.info) and additional information (original text of the agreement, administrative information) can be found in the Guideline to the Network Application Round 2025/26 (https://nawa.gov.pl/images/2024/2024-CEEPUS-IV-guideline_NW_applicationround_25_26_1.pdf).

Useful information can also be found on the youtube channel of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA, where the information session organized on 26 June 2024 was made available:

>>> CEEPUS information webinar (https://youtu.be/GdCufLhUwMs?si=RySI6gRKQCu2i9l9)


All enquiries can be addressed to the Polish National CEEPUS Office:


Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA

National CEEPUS Office NCO

40 Polna Street 

00-635 Warsaw

ceepus@nawa.gov.pl (mailto:ceepus@nawa.gov.pl)



ostatnie zmiany 2024-10-29 02:19:49

staff mobility (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/staff-mobility-0), student mobility (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/student-mobility-0), projects and programmmes (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/projects-and-programmmes)

Alina Wujcik (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/user/157)