The overall goal of the project is to broaden the scope of community engagement by higher education institutions (HEIs). The project also seeks to enhance the role of universities in supporting societies across Europe and to strengthen the capacity of their staff to effectively address societal challenges. The consortium's activities will be grounded in an innovative cooperation model known as the "quadruple helix," which incorporates collaboration between academia, industry, public administration, and society, including institutions representing these sectors, such as NGOs.
The initiative unites a range of institutions with varied profiles from six countries - Lodz University of Technology (coordinator), ACEEU GmbH (Germany), University of Belgrade (Serbia), Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (Ireland), University of Tartu (Estonia), European e-Learning Institute (Denmark).
During the meeting in Lodz, key project elements were discussed, individual partners' responsibilities were outlined, and the action plan for the coming months was established. Particular focus was given to Work Package 2, which involves creating a future thinking European University Community Engagement Guide offering practical information and strategies to increase societal contribution of European HEIs.
The ACE project is implemented under Erasmus+ Action 2 Cooperation Partnerships. The project budget is 400,000 EUR.
ostatnie zmiany 2024-11-15 12:03:36