2024-12-17 01:19:57
Teaching & training mobility in Portugal!

Universidade Europeia and IPAM invite lecturers to join the International Week and discuss innovation in higher education. The event will take place in Lisboa and Porto, Portugal, from February 25-28, 2025

The participants of this International Week will debate on how to reinvent learning in order to equip students with the skills and knowledge essential to thrive in a constantly evolving world and prepare them for an ever-changing future.

Registration deadline: 10 January, 2025.

Details of the event (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/sites/default/files/UNIVERSIDADE%2520EUROPEIA%252C%2520IPAM%2520LISBOA%2520AND%2520IPAM%2520PORTO.pdf)

Registration (https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=nXtOcAcsYkOXaD_vVcMbf8IN2D4u7apBkF24XSui5d1UQzlXRVZMRkZYUUxaRExQRERGVTZUNlNXQy4u&route=shorturl)

In case of questions, contact the organiser at: internationalweek@universidadeeuropeia.pt (mailto:internationalweek@universidadeeuropeia.pt)

ostatnie zmiany 2024-12-17 01:19:57

staff mobility (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/staff-mobility-0)

Katarzyna Sumińska (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/user/298)