What programs and funds can I benefit from as a TUL employee? (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/what-programs-and-funds-can-i-benefit-tul-employee)

The Erasmus+ programme  - is the largest programme of the European Union in the field of education, training, youth and sport implemented in the years 2014-2020 with a total budget of EUR 14.7 billion. NAWA programmes - NAWA programmes support international academic exchange and the process of internationalisation of Polish universities and scientific institutions, dissemination of information about the Polish system of higher education and science as well as popularisation of the Polish language outside Poland. The offer of NAWA programmes is addressed to scientists, doctoral students, students, Polish citizens and foreigners, and also universities, scientific units of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish research institutes. The CEEPUS Program - the program supporting academic exchange between countries such as Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. The Visegrad Fund - the fund offers a scholarship program for second-cycle students and for studies or research internships for doctoral students and postdoctoral students. It also supports projects developing regional cooperation between countries (V4) and their partners. The Scholarship and Training Fund is an instrument of non-reimbursable financial assistance for Poland offered by three countries of the European Free Trade Association.

Source URL: https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/what-programs-and-funds-can-i-benefit-tul-employee

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  1. https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/what-programs-and-funds-can-i-benefit-tul-employee