Timetables (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/pl/international-candidates/exchange-students/timetables)
TIMETABLES CAN BE FIND HERE (https://www.ife.p.lodz.pl/en/students/timetables)
w - lectures
l - laboratories
p - project
c - tutorials
sem - semester
tygodnie ...&... - weeks ...&...
poł 1. - first part of semester
- Building A10 (Main Building; building identifier is omitted): E1, E2, E3, E4, E8, (i24 Institute of Applied Computer Science) i24 311, i24 320 (staircase1, 3rd floor)
- Building A11 (k21 Department of Electrical Apparatuses) k21 A11 408, k21 A11 408a, k21 A11 414
- Building A12 (building identifier is omitted): E5, E6, E102, E103, E104, E105, E106, (i25 Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems) i25 132, i25 133, i25 134, i25 135, i25 etc. , (i24 Institute of Applied Computer Science) i24 E107, i24 E109, i24 E110
- Building A18 (Factory of Engineers): m A18 125, m A18 212
- Building A3 W03 A3 fiz1, W03 A3 fiz2 the physics laboratory is located at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences (WBiNoŻ) and it is really an A3 building above the bar ... going from the cloakroom we go to the first floor then a long corridor next to the hall at the end of the corridor turn right and when you reach the stairs, go up
- Building B9 E415 B9, E416 B9, (i23 Institute of Electronics) i23 413
- Building B18 (k22 Department of Microelectronics and Information Technology) k22 B18 A1, k22 B18 A2
- Building B19 (Information Technology Center; building identifier is omitted): rooms i24- Institute of Applied Computer Science i24 CTI 403, i24 CTI404, i24 CTI406, i24 CTI407
- Building B13 (Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery): m B13 26Building B24 rooms of the Language Center
- C2 building (Interministerial Institute of Radiation Technology): W03 C2 MITR
- Building C3 E440 C3, E442 C3, (i21 Institute of Automation) i21 C3 403 (fourth floor), (i26 Institute of Electrical Engineering Systems) i26 C3 109 (first floor)