Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą Open Staff Week w Politécnico de Leiria.
Polytechnic of Leiria is going to organize the Open Staff Week, from 11 to 15 November, 2019
“Reframing Inclusion - Forward Looking vs Common Bias”
The program will include a Workshop per day on one of the main topics for the upcoming Erasmus program 2021/2027: Inclusion and Social Rights.
We will take diverse approaches to the subject , from income disadvantaged groups, to inclusive workplaces; following the path of the European Pillar for Social Rights, we will frame 'inclusion' under an Ethic Diversity and Inclusive analysis of Internationalization of Higher Education.
We intend to give all participants the tools to handle the subject matter in the different ways it presents itself delivering new and more effective paths to deal with inclusion in Higher Education with equal opportunities for all. This year the Polytechnic of Leiria has a special project going on the “100% Inclusive” the expansion of Higher Education extend the opportunities to new group of students and what we intend to scrutiny is in fact if the system corrects itself and keep the hierarchical differences or if we are this time doing something towards a true inclusion and all the different strands are being pursued.
Applications are open from the 1st October until the end of the month.
Price: 150€ -5 workshops ( with handing out of diploma at the end) , coffee breaks and Social Program.
ostatnie zmiany 2019-10-08 01:09:10