Department of Medical Engineering at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria zaprasza wykładowców PŁ do wygłoszenia wykładu lub poprowadzenia warsztatów w trakcie Winter School in Medical Engineering.
Department of Medical Engineering at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and the International Office would like to invite lecturers to the third „Winter School in Medical Engineering“ which will take place from February 3 – 7, 2019. The key areas will be: “Prosthetics, Materials and Medical Simulations”.
Target groups: Students + Lecturers
We invite teaching colleagues to take an active part in this programme by giving a lecture or leading a workshop. Also, we would be more than happy to welcome your students at the end of their BA-studies (eg. 5 semester) to join us for these 5-days-event and receive up to 2 ECTS for their participation. In addition to lectures and workshops, our program will include site visits and one optional day for a cultural trip.
Application deadline lecturers – including an abstract of your planned lecture: October 28, 2019
Application deadline students: December 8, 2019
Apply to: international@fh-linz.at (mailto:international@fh-linz.at)
Travel costs, costs for lodging and meals (apart of the ones which are included in this program) are to be covered by the participants individually.
All information and the registration form can also be found HERE (https://www.fh-ooe.at/en/linz-campus/international/international-events/winter-school-in-medical-engineering/).
ostatnie zmiany 2019-10-14 01:51:51