2019-10-15 11:48:38

“NEW TECHNOLOGIES” INTERNATIONAL WEEK  na South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Savonlinna, Finlandia w dniach 17–21 lutego 2020 roku.


South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) has the pleasure of inviting faculty and other staff members of the partner institutions to the International Week to be held on Xamk’s Savonlinna campus on 17 – 21 February 2020.

The guests are invited to give lectures on their own field of speciality or research on 18–20 February (17 February and 21 February are mainly reserved for travelling). In addition to lectures, teaching can be organised in the form of workshops, group work or other methods. Along with the lessons, the guests will be introduced to the laboratory of functional ability and the campus simulation facilities as well as to Xamk’s FiberLaboratory. Future cooperation possibilities will also be explored and discussed (research and development, projects, exchange possibilities, development of pedagogical methods, online courses, etc.). In addition, the programme of the week will include different meetings, guided study visits, outdoor activities, etc. A more detailed programme of the week will be provided shortly.

If you plan to attend the International Week, please, send the enclosed registration form and the possible abstract to international coordinator Lea Reponen (lea.reponen@xamk.fi (mailto:lea.reponen@xamk.fi)) by 30 November 2019.

There is no participation fee for the International Week but the participants are expected to manage their own travel and accommodation costs, for instance, from the Erasmus+ teacher or staff exchange resources of the sending institution.

ostatnie zmiany 2019-10-16 07:39:14

mobilność pracowników (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/pl/mobilnosc-pracownikow-0)

Agnieszka Roganowicz (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/pl/user/124)