ICC staff (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/about-icc)
Internationalisation is one of the foundations of the strategy of Lodz University of Technology in the field of research, education, as well as other activities carried out in cooperation with the social and economic environment.
The establishment of a general university unit in 2017, i.e. the International Cooperation Centre (ICC) of Lodz University of Technology, is a sign of our care for the image of the university in the international arena. The main task of ICC is to dynamically implement the strategy of internationalisation of the university and to strongly mark the identity of Lodz University of Technology (https://p.lodz.p) as an innovative academic centre on the European Higher Education Map.
Other tasks of the ICC include:
- promoting Polish higher education and Lodz University of Technology in Europe and worldwide;
- strengthening the international prestige of Lodz University of Technology;
- organizing education in foreign languages based on innovative and internationally recognized models;
- supporting the internationalization of the Lodz University of Technology in all areas of the University's activity, including in particular:
- supporting the international mobility of students, academic teachers and non-academic staff,
- intensification of the creation of an international academic community at TUL,
- supporting the acquisition and transfer of international experience of Lodz University of Technology in terms of organization and teaching,
- support for the organization of international ventures and projects carried out at Lodz University of Technology,
- strengthening the participation of Lodz University of Technology in international networks and associations of a didactic, scientific and organizational nature,
- support for the participation of Lodz University of Technology in international rankings and accreditations.
ICC at TUL comprises two smaller centres dealing with comprehensive student services and academic administration in the area of international cooperation. These are: International Faculty of Engineering (IFE) and International Cooperation Service Centre (ICSC).