
Projects implemented under the PROM programme

Lodz University of Technology has received over PLN 1.7 million to implement the next edition of the program!

The project’s goal is to enhance the university’s internationalization by facilitating short-term scholarship exchanges for doctoral students and academic staff. The specific objectives are to boost the number of mobilities, help scholarship recipients gain new skills, and improve the quality of education at TUL.

The obtained funding will provide scholarship support for 100 program participants - 85 doctoral students and 15 academic teachers. 60 outgoing and 40 incoming mobilities have been planned.

A short-term mobility lasts from 5 to 30 days and can include activities such as:

a) active participation in a conference abroad (speaker role, participation in a poster session),

b) obtaining materials for a doctoral thesis, scientific article,

c) participation in a summer/winter school,

d) taking measurements using unique equipment, testing research equipment, 

e) participation in short forms of education, i.e. courses, intensive courses included in the study program, workshops, professional or industrial internships, study visits, including those carried out in companies,

f) execution of archival/library inquiries,

g) conducting teaching classes,

h) preparation of an international grant application.

The project is implemented between 01.10.2024 and 30.09.2025.

In the coming weeks, project regulations will be developed and participants will be recruited. 

The mobilites will begin in January 2025.

Announcement of the 2nd call for PhD students (

Announcement of 1st call for PhD students and academic teachers (


The PROM program - short-term academic exchange is funded by the European Union as part of the project entitled “Short-term academic exchange as a way to improve the quality of education at institutions of higher education and science” with the number FERS.01.05-IP.08-0218/23.

From 2018 to 2023, our university implemented two projects funded under the PROM program - International scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff.

The aim of the projects was to increase international exchange of PhD students at TUL, improve quality and level of internationalization of third degree education as well as strengthen cooperation with foreign universities. Outgoing and incoming mobilities were aimed at active participation in a conference, taking measurements, obtaining materials for a PhD thesis, participation in training etc.

In the 2018/2019 academic year the project offered co-financing of 66 mobilities, lasting from 5 to 30 days, including 33 departures of PhD students and academic staff members of TUL to foreign institutions and 33 arrivals of PhD students and academic staff members of foreign institutions at TUL. The project supported 62 PhD students and 4 academic staff members.

The project was implemented between 01.10.2018 and 30.09.2020.

In the second edition of the programme, the university co-financed short-term mobilities of 78 PhD students, including 38 participants from overseas and 40 participants from TUL. In addition, the project was extended to include the component of support for Ukrainian students who came to Poland after February 24, 2022. The awarded scholarships allow 12  people to continue their education at our university.

The project was implemented between 01.10.2019 and 31.03.2023.

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The PROM project – International scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff – was financed from the European Social Fund within Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, non-competition project entitled International scholarship exchange of PhD students and academic staff, agreement no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN13/18.


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