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2025-01-29 09:12:57
ICC announces the second recruitment for doctoral students to participate in the PROM programme - Short-term academic exchange.
image of a group of students

The Programme  is implemented by Lodz University of Technology under the agreement with the National Agency for Academic Exchange and is financed from the European Union funds as part of the NAWA project entitled “Short-term academic exchange as a way to improve the quality of education at institutions of higher education and science” with the number FERS.01.05-IP.08-0218/23.

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Project objectives:

  • development of the internationalization of TUL through the implementation of short-term scholarship exchange of doctoral students and academic teachers
  • increase in the number of completed outgoing and incoming mobilities
  • acquisition of competencies by participants
  • increase in the quality of education at the university.

Number of mobilities available in the second call: 28, including:

  • 11 outgoing mobilities of TUL doctoral students to foreign institutions, and
  • 17 incoming mobilities of doctoral students from foreign institutions to TUL.

Mobility implementation period: from April 1st to  September 30th, 2025

Destination/home countries: the whole world

Financing for the participant:

  • travel costs from PLN 1.000 to PLN 6.500 
  • subsistence and accommodation costs from PLN 1.500 to PLN 10.000 
  • scholarship from PLN 625 to PLN 7.500 
  • conference fee (optional)

Due to the limited funds at the university's disposal, mobility should be planned for a total lump sum of up to approximately PLN 12.000 (sum of travel, subsistence and accommodation costs and scholarship).

Apply today!

Step 1 - Read the Regulations for participation in the project, including the appendixes:

Step 2 - Plan your mobility

Step 3 - Fill in the Application Form

Step 4 - Send a set of documents to the Project Office at the following address: – outgoing mobilities from TUL, – incoming mobilities to TUL

Termin zgłoszeń: Februry 28th, 2025.

ostatnie zmiany 2025-02-27 10:25:13

student mobility, projects and programmmes