Najczęściej Zadawane Pytania
Poniżej znajdują się odpowiedzi na najczęściej zadawane pytania dotyczące działań CWM. Jeśli masz wątpliwości, zachęcamy do skontaktowania się z nami za pomocą formularza lub e-mailem na adres: cwm@adm.p.lodz.pl.
Erasmus+ studies are available in the following : programme countries: : the EU countries, Turkey, Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and partner countries: : non-EU countries.
If the TUL Unit cooperates with a university located in a Partner Country and would like to develop cooperation through student and employee mobility, it should submit a proposal to the International Educational Projects Section of the CWM to include the selected university in the next application submitted by TUL.
In addition to the funds allocated for financing mobility, universities conducting student or staff exchanges receive a grant from the Erasmus+ programme for the so-called organisational support of mobility. The funds allocated for organisational support of mobility may be used for activities related to exchange promotion, language preparation of outgoing or incomingpersons as well as activities related to monitoring and supporting participants during the mobility period.
Lodz University of Technology has submitted 18 applications as part of the non-competition project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education "Foreign Accreditations" of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, co-financed by the European Social Fund. All of them have qualified for funding. Currently, the University is applying for EUR-ACE® Label accreditation in 11 fields of study at I and II cycle studies and American ABET accreditation in 4 programmes run in English. The University has also applied for participation in the evaluation of the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP, EUA), institutional accreditation HCERES (Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignementsupérieur) and the re-accreditation of the TUL Language Centre (EAQUALS accreditation).
The Erasmus+ programme - is the largest programme of the European Union in the field of education, training, youth and sport implemented in the years 2014-2020 with a total budget of EUR 14.7 billion. NAWA programmes - NAWA programmes support international academic exchange and the process of internationalisation of Polish universities and scientific institutions, dissemination of information about the Polish system of higher education and science as well as popularisation of the Polish language outside Poland. The offer of NAWA programmes is addressed to scientists, doctoral students, students, Polish citizens and foreigners, and also universities, scientific units of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish research institutes. The CEEPUS Program - the program supporting academic exchange between countries such as Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. The Visegrad Fund - the fund offers a scholarship program for second-cycle students and for studies or research internships for doctoral students and postdoctoral students. It also supports projects developing regional cooperation between countries (V4) and their partners. The Scholarship and Training Fund is an instrument of non-reimbursable financial assistance for Poland offered by three countries of the European Free Trade Association.
The International Cooperation Centre is divided into 2 smaller Centres: IFE – the International Faculty of Engineering – an inter-departmental unit of Lodz University of Technology providing education in foreign languages as part of studies conducted by TUL and International Cooperation Service Centre COWM – deals with the administrative area: mobility of staff and students, educational projects, accreditations and international rankings as well as promotion of TUL abroad.
The International Cooperation Centre is divided into 2 smaller Centres: IFE – the International Faculty of Engineering – an inter-departmental unit of Lodz University of Technology providing education in foreign languages as part of studies conducted by TUL and International Cooperation Service Centre COWM – deals with the administrative area: mobility of staff and students, educational projects, accreditations and international rankings as well as promotion of TUL abroad.
The Erasmus+ programme - is the largest programme of the European Union in the field of education, training, youth and sport implemented in the years 2014-2020 with a total budget of EUR 14.7 billion. NAWA programmes - NAWA programmes support international academic exchange and the process of internationalisation of Polish universities and scientific institutions, dissemination of information about the Polish system of higher education and science as well as popularisation of the Polish language outside Poland. The offer of NAWA programmes is addressed to scientists, doctoral students, students, Polish citizens and foreigners, and also universities, scientific units of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish research institutes. The CEEPUS Program - the program supporting academic exchange between countries such as Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. The Visegrad Fund - the fund offers a scholarship program for second-cycle students and for studies or research internships for doctoral students and postdoctoral students. It also supports projects developing regional cooperation between countries (V4) and their partners. The Scholarship and Training Fund is an instrument of non-reimbursable financial assistance for Poland offered by three countries of the European Free Trade Association.
Lodz University of Technology has submitted 18 applications as part of the non-competition project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education "Foreign Accreditations" of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, co-financed by the European Social Fund. All of them have qualified for funding. Currently, the University is applying for EUR-ACE® Label accreditation in 11 fields of study at I and II cycle studies and American ABET accreditation in 4 programmes run in English. The University has also applied for participation in the evaluation of the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP, EUA), institutional accreditation HCERES (Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignementsupérieur) and the re-accreditation of the TUL Language Centre (EAQUALS accreditation).
In addition to the funds allocated for financing mobility, universities conducting student or staff exchanges receive a grant from the Erasmus+ programme for the so-called organisational support of mobility. The funds allocated for organisational support of mobility may be used for activities related to exchange promotion, language preparation of outgoing or incomingpersons as well as activities related to monitoring and supporting participants during the mobility period.
If the TUL Unit cooperates with a university located in a Partner Country and would like to develop cooperation through student and employee mobility, it should submit a proposal to the International Educational Projects Section of the CWM to include the selected university in the next application submitted by TUL.
Erasmus+ studies are available in the following : programme countries: : the EU countries, Turkey, Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and partner countries: : non-EU countries.
Industry Project Management Masterclass - new ECIU challenge at TUL
Practical Solutions for Managing Challenges in Industry through Simulations.
Watch ECIU hackaton in Tampere and vote for best ideas
Watch the ECIU AI Assistant Hackathon Grand Finale LIVE and vote, 14th March 11:00-15:00 CET!
ECIU Research Labs is an opportunity to start new collaborations and develop new ideas and research projects with other ECIU researchers in the fields of Energy&Sustainability and Transport&Mobility.
A Milestone Event in Brussels
In February 27, 2025, Brussels hosted a landmark event, "Shaping the Future: European Universities Alliances for a Competitive Europe," where ECIU and TUL were highly represented and visible.
New opportunities in ECIU - for students and staff
Check the list of opportunities available in ECIU now. You can choose from different micromodules, meetings and networking events.
International Educational Challenges with ECIU (Interview)
One of the micro-modules offered at the ECIU was “Lifestyle Influence on Reproductive Health”, organised by the University of Aveiro (Portugal). Among the participants was Alicja Zielinska, who we talk to about her motivations, experiences and…
26th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics
Another exciting event is scheduled to be held at TUL this year - the 26th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics will take place in Lodz on 8th-11th July.
Challenge "Future-ready Young Citizens in the Smart City Era"
Invitation to the challenge offered by TUL at the ECIU Engage Platform. Application is open!
More than 1.1 million zloty for TUL to implement NAWA project Support for European Universities
The proposal of the TUL's International Cooperation Centre in the Support for European Universities competition received funding from the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).
International PhD Summer School
Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania) invites doctoral (PhD) students to participate in the 9th International PhD Summer School!