

News 30-10-2024

Lodz University of Technology has implemented the 'Masters of Didactics' project in four editions under contracts concluded with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the implementation of tasks in the years 2018-2023. The first three editions were of a pilot nature, involving foreign training of tutors and short-term tutoring during classes conducted for almost 700 students. The aim of the first editions of the programme was to increase the competence of the staff in the use of modern educational methods. The fourth edition of the project, entitled ‘Masters of didactics - implementation of the tutoring model’, focused on long-term, three-semester support for 51 gifted students and did not include training for tutors, but was aimed at implementing the tutoring model in university practice.

Training abroad and national modular training, focusing on basic tutoring, started in 2019 and ended in 2022. Seventy-five university teachers from the Lodz University of Technology completed them. The advanced training courses, led by experts from the University of Groningen, started in 2021 and ended in 2023, and were attended by 16 academic teachers identified by the training organisers and completed according to four development paths: Advanced Teaching and Tutoring Qualification, Educational Leadership, Train the Trainer and a combination of Train the Trainer and Educational Leadership.

The mutual benefits in the ‘student-master’ relationship have paid off for our University in 2023 with the development of a tutoring model, practised in three guises: pastoral tutoring (personal tutoring), tutoring for talents and peer tutoring. 

Tutoring has been present on a daily basis in the educational process at all faculties of the Lodz University of Technology for several years. The tutoring model was officially introduced into the didactic practice of the Polytechnic by a communiqué of the Vice-Rector for Education as of 31 January 2023 and is an obvious contributor to the many successes and distinctions of our students.

The ‘Masters of Didactics’ project has contributed to raising the quality of education and developing the teaching competences of academic staff by introducing innovative teaching methods based on direct cooperation between tutors and students. The ‘Masters of Didactics’ project remains sustainable until 31-12-2024, and the tutoring method has entered the list of active educational methods as an integral part of modern methods and techniques for acquiring knowledge at TUL.

MODEL OF TUTORING annoucement by the Vice-Rector for Education, Associate Professor Andrzej Romanowski Ph.D., D.Sc.


Coordinator of tutoring at TUL.: MA Marzena Stawicka , Lodz University of Technology Language Centre


Information for TUL students – Find your Master!

If you are a student of the Lodz University of Technology and you are interested in expanding your knowledge, completing an additional interesting project or you need individual support in your studies, you can take advantage of additional classes or help from a tutor from the Lodz University of Technology. Recruitment of students of the Lodz University of Technology to the ‘Masters of Teaching’ project closed in 2023. Currently, students interested in receiving tutoring support can contact directly the coordinator for tutoring at TUL, Marzena Stawicka


75 tutors of TUL involved in the use of modern methods of education carried out national and international training during international study visits and national modular training sessions, organised onsite and/or online. The main objective in the project was to develop and implement new solutions for tutor training and education using the tutoring method in cooperation with foreign universities from the top 100 of the Shanghai ranking. List of tutors - qualified academic teachers of TUL who participated in the project:

TUTORZY_PŁ_06_2022.pdf; MISTRZOWIE_PŁ_2021, Mistrzowie PŁ 2020, Mistrzowie PŁ 2019.  

Mistrzowie dydaktyki II edycja

Masters of Didactics’ at  Lodz University of Technology the basic information about the project

The project is carried out by Lodz University of Technology, commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as part of the non-competition project of an implementation nature entitled ‘Masters of Didactics’ under Measure 4.3 Transnational cooperation of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development (No. POWR.04.03.00-00-0074/17).

The aim of the project is to improve the competences of academic staff in the use of innovative teaching methods, in particular academic tutoring. As part of the project, a group of academic teachers takes part in study visits to selected renowned European Universities. Then each of the trained teachers conducts classes using tutoring with selected students of the TUL.

Mistrzowie dydaktyki  I edycja

Information for TUL academics participating in the project

In the course of the project, academic teachers undergo training in tutoring in one of the selected centres abroad and then conduct classes with students using this method. In addition, the participants are to disseminate the tutoring knowledge gained among the staff of their home units and throughout Lodz University of Technology.

Foreign centres which offer study visits:

  • Ghent University (Belgium),
  • University of Groningen (the Netherlands),
  • University College London (Great Britain),
  • Aarhus University (Denmark),
  • University of Oslo (Norway) - only applies to teachers running classes in the humanities.


The duration, form of training and programme depend on the centre concerned. Some of the training courses also involve additional meetings in Poland in the form of workshops and conferences. Study visits are organised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which covers the entire cost of the foreign trip. The employment of participants in the project and the settlement of student activities is handled by the Masters of Didactics project office at TUL.


The project is coordinated by the International Cooperation Centre, and the project manager is the director of the ICC: Dorota Piotrowska, Ph.D., Prof. at TUL.


For more information, please contact the administrative coordinator of the MoD project at TUL:
Alina Wujcik,, tel. 42 638 38 75.




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