

The staff mobility of Lodz University of Technology is implemented under Erasmus+ project KA131 and is co-financed by the European Union.

The project is coordinated by the Outgoing Staff Mobility Division of the International Cooperation Centre of Lodz University of Technology.

What are the types of mobilities and who can benefit from them?

1. Staff Mobility for Teaching:

Academic staff of Lodz University of Technology, employed under an employment contract or appointment agreement, who speak a foreign language (used during the mobility abroad) at least at B2 level, may participate in the mobility for teaching purposes. During the mobility, the participant is obliged to conduct a minimum of 8 hours of lectures. 

If the teaching activity is combined with a training activity during a single period abroad, the minimum number of hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay) is reduced to 4 hours.

These mobilities must take place at a university with which Lodz University of Technology has a valid inter-institutional agreement. The chosen university must have a valid Erasmus Card (ECHE), granted by the European Commission, entitling to participate in the programme.

An academic teacher benefiting from an Erasmus+ grant for teaching purposes is required to deliver a presentation on the educational offer of TUL to students and/or staff at the receiving institution and may be asked by TUL to discuss further possibilities of didactic cooperation with the receiving institution.

2. Staff Mobility for Training:

The following groups of employees of Lodz University of Technology may take part in mobility for training purposes:

  1. non-teaching staff,
  2. academic staff holding functional positions,
  3. members of the Boards of Studies, acting as International Exchange Coordinators and Representatives for International Internships,

employed under an employment contract or appointment agreement, who speak a foreign language (used during the mobility abroad) at least at B2 level, may participate in the mobility for training purposes. Other academic staff may only take part in staff mobility for training purposes which combines teaching and training activity during a single period abroad.

Mobilities for training purposes include trips such as:

  • International Staff Training Weeks, organized by a partner university or a foreign institution, in which a larger group of employees from various foreign universities participate simultaneously. The list of available International Staff Training Weeks.
  • Individual trips to a university or a foreign institution to exchange experiences, the so-called job shadowing, participate in trainings, seminars or workshops to improve skills and enhance professional competences. However, they exclude mobilities in order to take part in conferences.

Staff mobility for training can be carried out both at a foreign university and at a non-academic institution (enterprise, organization, etc.) located in one of the coutries eligible for the programme. In case of mobility to a foreign university, it must also have a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) granted by the European Commission entitling to participate in the programme.

In case of staff mobilities to the third countries not associated to the programme, the receiving institution must be a higher education institution with which Lodz University of Technology has signed an inter-interinstitutional agreement.

3. Blended intensive programmes (BIP):

BIP is a short-term intensive training programme that uses innovative learning and teaching methods, combining physical mobility abroad with a compulsory virtual component enabling online teamwork.

Within the framework of the BIP, the participant can carry out mobility for teaching or training purposes. Participation in BIP must contribute to increasing the employee's competences.

Funding from the Erasmus+ budget is intended to partially cover the costs of travelling and living abroad.

TUL staff qualified for mobility receive EU funding as a contribution towards travel and subsistence costs incurred abroad.​​

Individual support:

  • individual support is funding intended to cover costs directly related to subsistence during the stay abroad;
  • the employee's stay at the host university from the country eligible to the programme must be of minimum 2 days (excluding travel time) and maximum 2 months. In the case of mobility to the third country not associated to the programme, the employee's stay at the host university must be a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 2 months. In all cases, the minimum number of days must be consecutive.
  • Individual support is granted for a maximum stay of 5 days;
  • the amount of individual support depends on the group of countries to which the host country belongs.
  • participants can also receive individual support from the Erasmus+ programme for 2 travel days (1 day before and 1 day after the mobility period).

Travel support:

  • the amount of the travel grant depends on the means of transport and the distance between the place of departure and the destination and is determined by the European Commission in the Distance CalculatorTo calculate the travel grant for a TUL employee, it is assumed that the place of departure is Łódź as this is the city where TUL is located.

"Green Travel" support:

  • "Green Travel" is the travel entirely using low-emissions means of transport, such as train, bus or carpooling; carpooling being understood as car sharing between people travelling for individual purposes on the same route;
  • “Green Travel” does not include travel by plane, ferry, boat or solo car journey.
  • in case of a trip referred to as "Green Travel", the participant is entitled to a higher travel grant and the possibility to receive individual support for more travel days (up to 6 days in total).

The current funding rules

The current rules of qualification and implementation of staff mobility of Lodz University of Technology under Erasmus+ KA131




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