
University Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme at Lodz University of Technology

dr inż. Dorota Piotrowska, TUL professor
Director of the International Cooperation Centre TUL

Erasmus+ Traineeship Coordinators in the EU countries and Turkey, Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Serbia

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

  • dr inż. Dariusz Witkowski
  • for the study programmes: Business and Technology, Gestion et Technologie, Master of Operations Management - mgr Klaudia Hillebrandt - Szymańska

Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering

  • dr inż. Piotr Korbel

Faculty of Chemistry

  • dr inż. Anna Gajda

Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design

  • dr hab. inż. Marcin Barburski, TUL professor

College of Commodities

  • dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Draczyński, TUL professor

Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences

  • dr inż. Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering

  • Architecture - dr inż. arch. Tomasz Grzelakowski
  • Building and Construction and Environmental Engineering - dr inż. Robert Cichowicz

Spatial Management College

  • dr inż. arch. Krzysztof Ułamek

Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics
College of Logistics

  • dr hab. inż. Aneta Poniszewska-Marańda, TUL professor

Faculty of Organization and Management

  • Papermaking and Printing - dr inż. Karolina Radomska
  • Other fields of study - dr inż. Michał Nowicki

Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering

  • dr hab. inż. Dorota Brzezińska, TUL professor

Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at TUL:

Material Engineering - dr hab. inż. Marcin Barburski, TUL professor

Mechanical Engineering - prof. dr hab. inż. Przemysław Perlikowski

Control, Electronic, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies -dr hab. inż. Paweł Rózga, TUL professor

Telecommunication and computer science - dr hab. Szymon Grabowski, TUL professor

Chemical Sciences - prof. dr hab. inż. Dariusz Bieliński

Food Technology and Nutrition - dr hab. inż. Małgorzata Zakłos - Szyda, TUL professor

Civil engineering, Geodesy and Transport - dr hab. inż. Jacek Szafran, TUL professor

Architecture and Urban planning- dr hab. Artur Zaguła, TUL professor

Management and Quality Sciences - prof. dr hab. inż. Magdalena Grębosz - Krawczyk

Chemical Engineering - dr hab. inż. Tomasz Boruta

Mathematics - dr hab. Marek Galewski, TUL professor

Physical Sciences - prof. dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Pernal






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