

Grant for the implementation of the tutoring model at TUL

News 15-01-2023 - Lodz University of Technology offers a unique approach of tutoring. The model of tutoring at TUL consists of:

  • personal/pastoral tutoring,
  • academic/scientific tutoring,
  • peer tutoring

News 01-10-2022 - Success of a TUL student in a scientific poster competition. Ms Kamila Kwiatkowska, a student of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at the Faculty of Process Engineering and Environmental Protection (W9), won first place in a competition during the 1st National Tuteech Scientific Conference organised by Wrocław University of Technology under the theme: 'Tutoring in the eyes of students'. The conference was aimed at students participating in the implementation of the project: "Masters of Didactics - Tutoring for the talented students". Our student is realising the project at TUL under the tutorship of dr Anna Klepacz-Smółka. Congratulations!

News 01-10-2021 - Lodz University of Technology has received another grant from the Ministry of Education and Science. Since 2018, the Lodz University of Technology has been awarded a total of almost PLN 997,000 for academic tutoring.

From October 2021, recruitment for a personalized tutoring program for outstanding and talented students of TUL has started. The students can take advantage of individual tutoring as part of the ministerial initiative "Masters of didactics – implementation of the tutoring model".

The implementation of the project's tasks and the final implementation of tutoring activities into university practice are planned for the years 2020 - 2023. The project "Masters of didactics - implementation of the tutoring model" assumes conducting personalized classes for talented and outstanding students of TUL for 3 semesters - long-term tutoring. Information Buletin of the TUL no. 157



Aims of the project:

The main aim of the project is to implement a tutoring program into the university practice. It serves to raise the competences of the academic staff, which will allow for targeted support of particularly talented students. Students participating in the project will be tutored for up to three semesters. Their mentors will be experienced teachers who have developed their competences in the previous editions of the "Masters of didactics" program. Recruitment for personalized long-term tutoring will start at the beginning of the winter semester of the 2021/22 academic year.

Project objective:

The aim of the project is to implement into university practice leading classes with eminently talented students of the Lodz University of Technology using the tutoring method. The form of conducting classes will result from the developed tutoring model, using the knowledge gained by tutors during foreign study visits and will take into account the autonomous approach of the university to modern educational methods. The tutoring program is tailored to the needs of the student, but when carrying out classes using the tutoring method, both parties benefit, inspiring each other and learning from each other. Academic tutoring as an innovative method of developing creativity and independent thinking consists of supporting activities the student in creating forward-looking plans, based on interests and talents. Tutoring gives students the opportunity to engage in the experience of peer tutoring on the way of realizing their own tutoring path.

TUTORS of TUL_MoD_implementation

The coordinator of the project is the International Cooperation Centre, and the head of the project is Ms. Dorota Piotrowska, PhD, Eng., professor of TUL. The contact person who will provide detailed information on the implementation of the project at TUL is Ms. Alina Wujcik: , tel. 42 638 38 52, specialist in the International Educational Projects Division of the ICC, administrative coordinator in the project Masters of Didctics.




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