
US News Best Global Universities Rankings

US News Best Global Universities Ranking is prepared by an American company U.S. News & World Report, which publishes information, rankings and analyses on various subject areas, not only in the field of education.

The 2,500 top institutions included in the overall Best Global Universities 2024-2025 ranking - an increase from 2,165 last year – covers more than 100 countries. The ranking includes 47 Polish universities, up from 46 in last year's edition. The classification is based on 13 indicators, including reputation and bibliometric metrics.

In the latest edition, Lodz University of Technology was ranked 24th in Poland, 514th in Europe and 1522nd in the world. In the subject classification TUL was ranked 189th in Polymer Science, 686th in Engineering, 809th in Materials Science, 929th in Physics, 628th in Physical Chemistry and 755th in Chemistry

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