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Open calls for proposals for international educational projects:
Erasmus+ 2025 Call for proposals
The European Commission has published a call for proposals for the Erasmus+ program for 2025.
Deadlines for submitting applications under selected actions aimed at higher education institutions:
- Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education - February 19, 2025 (on behalf of TUL, applications are submitted by the International Cooperation Centre)
- Cooperation partnerships - March 5, 2025
- Erasmus Mundus Action - February 13, 2025
- Alliances for Innovation - March 6, 2025
- Capacity building in the field of Higher Education - February 6, 2025
More information on application rules and project implementation is available:
-in the Erasmus + Programme Guide for 2025
-on the Polish website of the Erasmus + Programme,
-on the website of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) which coordinates central actions of the programme.
Archived calls for proposals:
Erasmus+ 2024 Call for proposals
The European Commission has published call for proposals for 2024 with a detailed application schedule.
Application deadlines for selected actions aimed at higher education institutions:
- Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education - February 20, 2024 (on behalf of TUL the application is submitted by the International Cooperation Centre)
- Cooperation partnerships - March 5, 2024
- Erasmus Mundus Action - February 15, 2024
- Alliances for Innovation - March 7, 2024
- Capacity building in the field of Higher Education - February 8, 2024
More information on aplication rules and project implementation is available:
- in the Erasmus + Programme Guide for 2024,
- on the Polish website of the Erasmus + Programme,
- on the website of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) which coordinates central actions of the programme.
Erasmus+ 2023 Call for proposals
The European Commission has published call for proposals for 2023 with a detailed application schedule.
Application deadlines for selected actions aimed at higher education institutions:
- Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education - February 23, 2023 (on behalf of TUL the application is submitted by the International Cooperation Centre)
- Cooperation partnerships - March 22, 2023 and October 4, 2023
- Erasmus Mundus Action - February 16, 2023
- Alliances for Innovation - May 3, 2023
- Capacity building in the field of Higher Education - 16 February 2023
- Virtual exchanges in the field higher education - 26 April 2023
More information on aplication rules and project implementation is available:
- in the Erasmus + Programme Guide for 2023,
- on the Polish website of the Erasmus + Programme,
- on the website of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) which coordinates central actions of the programme.
Erasmus+ 2022 Call for proposals
The European Commission has published call for proposals for 2022 with a detailed application schedule.
Application deadlines for selected actions aimed at higher education institutions:
- Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education - February 23, 2022 (on behalf of TUL the application is submitted by the International Cooperation Centre)
- Cooperation partnerships - March 23, 2022
- Erasmus Mundus Action - February 16, 2022
- Alliances for Innovation - September 15, 2022
- Capacity building in the field of higher education - 17 February 2022.
More information on aplication rules and project implementation is available:
- in the Erasmus + Programme Guide for 2022 available on the website of the European Commission in 23 language versions,
- on the Polish website of the Erasmus + Programme,
- on the website of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) which coordinates central actions of the programme.
SSHN Scholarship Program for a research stay in France 2022
The French government offers scholarships for a 1-3 month research stays in France for Polish and foreign scientists working in a Polish research institutions and for doctoral students at Polish universities who are not currently pursuing doctorates in the cotutelle or codirection system with a French institution.
Applications must be submitted by November 22, 2021.
More information on the Campus France website
NAWA’s academic exchange programme for students, doctoral students and academic teachers of Polish universities
NAWA invites students, doctoral students and academic teachers from Polish universities to submit applications for the Student and Scientist Personal Exchange Program - DEPARTURE OFFER.
As part of the personal exchange of students, doctoral students and scientists, NAWA carries out academic exchange under bilateral agreements and bilateral cooperation with e.g. the following countries: Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Japan, Kazakhstan, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary, Vietnam. The aim of the program is to establish and deepen academic cooperation, complete partial studies or learn a language.
The call for applications lasts until December 20, 2021.
More information on the NAWA website.
Call for proposals of the NAWA Spinaker programme – Intensive International Educational Programmes
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced a call for proposals under a programme aimed at internationalization of Polish higher education and science institutions through the creation and implementation of Intensive International Education Programmes (IIEP).
The university may submit a maximum of 3 applications in this call. University units interested in participating in the competition are asked to contact the Section for International Educational Projects of the ICC - phone: (42) 638 38 72 till 6th October 2021.
IIEP is a short (from 30 to 150 didactic hours) form of education intended for students or doctoral students from abroad, implemented in the form of:
• summer or winter school,
• specialist courses,
• trainings,
• study visits (including abroad),
• involvement of professors from abroad,
• additional didactic offer for students,
• another form of increasing the attractiveness of international studies.
The project should involve at least 40 students or/and doctoral students from abroad. The project may last from 12 to 15 months and should be implemented between 1st June, 2022 and 31st August, 2023. The amount of financing for a single project is a minimum of PLN 100,000 and a maximum of PLN 800,000.
Application deadline: 30 November 2021.
Detailed information is available on the NAWA website.
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites scientists to submit applications for bilateral exchange grants for carrying out joint research projects with scientists of Ukraine. The grant is intended to cover the travel and subsistence costs of researchers, excluding the financing of the research itself. Applications for a joint project must be submitted simultaneously by partners from Ukraine to Ministry of Education and Science and by Polish partners to NAWA.
The deadline is October, 28, 2021.
More information on the NAWA website.
Call for applications for foreign internships for doctoral students implementing PRELUDIUM BIS 1 projects
Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced a call for applications in the NAWA PRELUDIUM BIS 1 program, which offers co-financing of foreign research internships related to participation in research projects implemented as part of the National Science Center PRELUDIUM BIS 1 competition.
Visits under the NAWA program may last from 3 to 6 months. The financing covers the scholarship holder's costs related to his/her stay in the foreign host center and the mobility allowance.
The call for applications will be conducted continuously from 4 January 2021 to 10 December 2024.
More information on the NAWA website
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites scientists to submit applications for bilateral exchange grants for carrying out joint research projects with scientists of Portugal. The grant is intended to cover the travel and subsistence costs of researchers, excluding the financing of the research itself. Applications for a joint project must be submitted simultaneously by partners from Portugal to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and by Polish partners to NAWA.
The deadline is July, 16, 2021.
More information on the NAWA website.
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange opened a call for applications in the Polish Returns 2021 programme. The programme enables Polish scientists to return to Poland and work at universities and institutes, as well as to obtain a grant for research funded by the National Centre for Science.
The deadline for submitting applications is 29 July 2021.
More information on the website of NAWA.
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites scientists to submit applications for bilateral exchange grants for carrying out joint research projects with scientists of France. The grant is intended to cover the travel and subsistence costs of researchers, excluding the financing of the research itself. Applications for a joint project must be submitted simultaneously by partners from France to Campus France and by Polish partners to NAWA.
The deadline is July, 22, 2021.
More information on the NAWA website.
Erasmus+ 2021 Call for proposals
The European Commission has inaugurated the new financial framework for the Erasmus+ programme and published a Call for proposals for 2021 with detailed schedule for each action.
Application deadlines for actions in the field of higher education:
- Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education – 11 May 2021 (On behalf of TUL, the application is submitted by the International Cooperation Centre)
- Cooperation partnerships – 20 May 2021
- Erasmus Mundus Action – 26 May 2021
- Alliances for Innovation – 7 September 2021.
More information on rules for submission of proposals and guidelines regarding project implementation under each action is available:
- in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2021 available on the website of the European Commission
- on the polish website of the Erasmus+ programme
- on the website of The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
DAAD scholarship program - short-term stays for PhD students and young scientists in Germany
This program is aimed at doctoral students and young scientists (post-graduates) from Polish universities. It allows for a research stay in Germany at a university or other research institute. The scholarship lasts from 1 to 6 months. The application deadline is April 30th.
All additional information is available on the DAAD website.
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange offers Bekker Programme scholarships to PhD students, scientists and academic teachers representing all fields and disciplines of science, employed at Polish universities and scientific institutions in order to enabling them to hold an internship, conduct scientific research or acquire materials for scientific work in renowned foreign institutions around the world.
Under the program, the following activities are eligible:
- conducting key research at a given stage of the academic career;
- obtaining materials for scientific publication;
- completing a post-doctoral internship;
- in the case of PhD students, conducting a part of their education course;
- other forms of scientific or academic activity.
The stay in a foreign institution may begin no earlier than on March 1, 2022, and no later than October 1, 2022 and last from 3 to 24 months for a young scientist (holding a doctoral degree, from which no more than 7 years have passed until the date of submitting the application) or from 3 up to 12 months for other applicants, including PhD students.
The scholarship covers expenses related to stay at foreign host institution and a mobility allowance. Additional funding may be granted if the scholarship holder's spouse and / or his or her minor children participate in the visit or in the case of disability - a guardian.
Individual applications should be submitted by those interested in the call through the NAWA electronic system by May 25, 2021.
More information is available on NAWA website.
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange opened a call for applications in the Ulam programme. The program allows to invite a foreign scientist (who has obtained a minimum doctoral degree) to a Polish university for a period of 6 to 24 months.
The Programme allows to invite scientists regardless of their age, from all around the world and representing all fields of science, including Polish scientists working permanently abroad. The application under the Program may be submitted also by a scientist with at least a doctoral degree or an equivalent degree obtained abroad, who, together with the institution of the Polish higher education and science system, has obtained the Seal of Excellence certificate under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships programme, 2020 edition.
The grant covers the costs of the researcher's stay (monthly scholarship in the amount of PLN 10,000) and a mobility allowance to cover travel costs.
The objectives of the scientist's visit to Poland may include:
- completing post-doctoral fellowship;
- conducting scientific research, including in cooperation with Polish scientists or research teams;
- obtaining materials for research or a scientific publication;
- conducting didactic classes at the host
Arrivals of foreign scientists may not start before 1 January 2022 and no later than 1 October 2022.
The deadline for submitting applications by foreign scientists is June 15, 2021.
More information on the website of NAWA.
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites scientists to submit applications for bilateral exchange grants for carrying out joint research projects with scientists of Slovakia. The deadline is June, 21, 2021. The grant is intended to cover the travel and subsistence costs of researchers, excluding the financing of the research itself.
More information on the NAWA.
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites scientists to submit applications for bilateral exchange grants for carrying out joint research projects with scientists of:
- Austria – deadline until May 21, 2021
- Germany - deadline until June 30, 2021.
The grant is intended to cover the travel and subsistence costs of researchers, excluding the financing of the research itself.
More information on the NAWA website.
Call for proposals within the Education Programme
The Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) has announced the second call for proposals within the Education Programme. The main objective of the Programme is to reduce economic and social disparities within the European Economic Area (EEA) and to strengthen bilateral relations between Poland and the Donor States at all levels of education.
The call is open for the following four components of the Programme:
- I. Professional Development of Staff (study visits, intensive trainings),
- II. Mobility Projects in Higher Education (outgoing and incoming mobilities of students and staff),
- III. Institutional cooperation for the enhancement of quality and relevance of VET and Continuing Education,
- IV. Institutional cooperation for the enhancement of quality and relevance of education at all levels and forms (excluding VET and continuing education).
Note! The applicant may submit one application for each component. On behalf of TUL, the application for funding within component II is submitted by the International Cooperation Centre.
The deadline for submitting applications: 12 April 2021.
The call for proposals and guides for applicants are available on the Education Program website
Call for proposals for the Fulbright Specialist Programme
The program implemented by the Polish-American Fulbright Commission enables Polish institutions to establish cooperation with outstanding American specialists and to jointly implement a project lasting from 2 to 6 weeks.
A Specialist's stay in Poland may be related to lectures, workshops, participation in conferences, consultations in the field of research work, expert opinions, etc. The host institution is obliged to cover the costs related to the Specialist's stay (accommodation, meals, domestic travel).
Deadline for applications: till 15th March 2021.
Detailed information is available on the website of the Fulbright Commission
Call for proposals for bilateral exchange of scientists between Poland and Italy
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange and the government of the Republic of Italy invite scientists of both countries carrying out joint research projects to submit applications for bilateral exchange support. The grant is intended to cover the travel and subsistence costs of researchers, excluding the financing of the research itself.
Recruitment lasts until March 19, 2021.
More information on the NAWA website
Mobility for Polish students and academic teachers under the NAWA Exchange programme for students and scientists as part of bilateral cooperation 2021/2022
NAWA invites students and academic teachers to submit applications for exchanges carried out under agreements with the following countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Japan, Kazakhstan, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary, Vietnam. Recruitment lasts until December 18, 2020.
Information for students on the NAWA website
Information for scientists on the NAWA website
We would like to remind you that if the call requires the presentation of documents certified by the university, persons interested to submit their application should contact the Student Mobility Division or the Staff Mobility Division in advance.
Call for proposals of the NAWA Spinaker programme
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced a call for proposals under a new programme aimed at internationalization of Polish higher education and science institutions through the creation and implementation of Intensive International Education Programmes (IIEP).
IIEP is a short (from 30 to 150 didactic hours) form of education intended for students or doctoral students from abroad, implemented in the form of:
• summer or winter school,
• specialist courses,
• trainings,
• study visits (including abroad),
• involvement of professors from abroad,
• additional didactic offer for students,
• another form of increasing the attractiveness of international studies.
The project should involve at least 40 students or doctoral students from abroad.
The project may last from 12 to 28 months and should be implemented between May 1, 2021 and September 1, 2023.
The amount of financing for a single project is a minimum of PLN 100,000 and a maximum of PLN 800,000.
The applicant may submit a maximum of 3 applications in the call.
The following activities may be funded under the programme:
• costs of salaries of persons directly involved in the implementation of the project, i.e. persons involved in the development or adaptation of IIEP and didactic materials for IIEP (including materials in electronic form) - up to a maximum of 30% of the project budget; lecturers, trainers or tutors running IIEP;
• scholarships for students or doctoral students from abroad during their stay in Poland in connection with participation in IIEP - up to the maximum amount of PLN 5,000 per person;
• costs of organizing trainings or meetings and other events in Poland or abroad;
• travel and subsistence expenses incurred in connection with the project;
• purchase of software, hardware and equipment up to the amount of PLN 40,000 (purchase of infrastructure necessary for the remote implementation of IIEP);
• costs of purchase of other goods and services necessary to implement the project.
Application deadline: 15 December 2020.
Detailed information is available on the NAWA website.
The university may submit a maximum of 3 applications in the competition. University units interested in participating in the competition are asked to contact the Section for International Educational Projects of the ICC - phone: (42) 638 38 72, e-mail: eduprojects@info.p.lodz.pl
Call for applications for the Welcome to Poland NAWA Program
The National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced a new competition under the Welcome to Poland program, the purpose of which is to build the university's potential in terms of internationalization, service for foreigners and foreign promotion.
The program enables the implementation of the following activities:
- related to internationalization "at home" (e.g. enabling access to foreign publications, organizing international meetings / events in foreign languages, creating groups of different nationalities, building relationships between university students and employees and students and staff coming from abroad),
- shaping attitudes of openness and tolerance in the academic environment and the exchange of good practices in the field of internationalization,
- organization of a place dedicated to serving students and foreign staff (the so-called Welcome Center),
- developing cooperation with foreign graduates and using their potential to promote the university,
- development or purchase of applications, websites, databases or IT systems intended to achieve the objectives of the Project, including cooperation with graduates,
- online information and promotion activities,
- PR activities, including cooperation with bloggers and YouTubers, in order to shape a positive image of a Polish institution abroad,
- films, multimedia and traditional information and promotion materials presenting in an attractive form Poland, the university, profiles of students, graduates, etc.,
- meetings, contacts and information and promotion activities carried out in Poland and abroad (including participation in fairs, organization of meetings, etc.),
- organizing international scientific conferences in Poland in order to disseminate the results of research and scientific activity (in a foreign language, at least 20% of the composition of the scientific council are scientists from abroad, at least 50% of speakers from abroad).
The project may last 12, 18 or 24 months and should be implemented between June 1, 2021 and May 31, 2023.
The amount of financing for a single project is a minimum of PLN 100,000 and a maximum of PLN 400,000.
Application Deadline: December 17, 2020
Detailed information is available on the NAWA website.
The university may submit a maximum of 3 applications in the competition. University units interested in participating in the competition are asked to contact the Section for International Educational Projects of the ICC - phone: (42) 638 38 72, e-mail: eduprojects@info.p.lodz.pl
Call for proposals of the NAWA Urgency Grants programme
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced a call for proposals under a new programme aimed at supporting international research cooperation in response to sudden, important, unforeseen social, civilization and natural events with global or regional implications.
Applications submitted under the programme must pertain to research activities that may not be implemented by applying for other existing funding mechanisms due to the need for a rapid response.
Application deadline: the application process is carried out accordingly to the on-going procedure, until the pool of available funds is exhausted, no later than 31/12/2020.
Projects can last from 3 to 12 months.
The maximum NAWA co-financing for the project is PLN 500 000.
The following activities may be funded under the programme:
- costs of salaries of persons directly involved in the implementation of activities within the project;
- costs of obtaining expert opinions, studies, commissioning research, analytical and statistical tasks;
- travel and subsistence expenses incurred in connection with the project;
- costs of purchase of other goods and services necessary to implement the project.
Detailed information is available on the NAWA website.
Erasmus+ call for proposals
The European Commission has announced an additional call for proposals for "Strategic Partnerships" in the field of higher education, concerning Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness.
Application deadline: October 29, 2020 at 12:00
Projects can last from 12 to 24 months and must start between March 1 and June 30, 2021.
Detailed information is available in the Corrigendum to the 2020Erasmus+Programme Guide and on the ICC website
Call for proposals in the NAWA Polish Returns 2020 program (COVID-19 edition)
NAWA is accepting applications for the "Polish Returns 2020 - COVID-19 edition" program intended for employment at universities and research units of Polish scientists returning to the country, whose research may translate into broadening the knowledge and solving significant problems related to the COVID-19 epidemic and its consequences.
The call for applications is open until August 31, 2020.
More information on the NAWA website.
Calls for applications for NAWA STER programme (Internationalization of Doctoral Schools)
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites universities and research institutions to submit proposals to a the STER program - Internationalization of Doctoral Schools. Funding may cover comprehensive activities related to the recruiting of foreign doctoral students, payment of scholarships for the best foreign doctoral students and doctoral students from Poland pursuing thesis in international cooperation (aiming at obtaining a joint degree or double degree), supporting the foreign mobility of the best doctoral students from Poland and from abroad (from 1 to 10 months), developing activities related to internationalization "at home", activities related to the development of international cooperation of doctoral schools.
The deadline for submitting applications is 31 July 2020 (extended till 3rd September 2020).
More information on NAWA website.
Call for proposals for study visits of the Education Programme
The Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE), acting as the Programme Operator for the Education Programme implemented under the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, opened a call for applications to implement short visits of representatives of Polish educational institutions to entities from the Donor States - Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway.
The objective of the study visit should include establishing cooperation between institutions from Poland and from the Donor States or preparing and planing a joint project as part of the Education Program components.
The duration of one visit is from 1 to 5 working days and a maximum of two days for travel. A maximum of 3 representatives of the sending institution can participate in one study visit.
The deadline for submitting applications - the application process is carried out accordingly to the on-going procedure - until the pool of available funds is exhausted, no later than 30/12/2020.
More information on the Education Programme website.
Calls for applications for NAWA Chair Programme (Profesura Gościnna)
Under the new NAWA Program, the Chair Programme, universities may employ world-class foreign scientists for a period of 36-48 months, who will carry out scientific research, strengthen teaching activities and prepare applications for prestigious grants along with the local project group. The program provides also possibility to cover costs of scientific research in the field of basic research (the so-called research component) financed by the National Science Center.
The current competition concerns only the research fields of humanities, social and theological sciences. NAWA will announce editions for other fields of science in the following years.
The call for proposals is carried out until July 31, 2020.
More information on NAWA website.
Calls for applications for NAWA bilateral exchange programs
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites scientists to submit applications for the following exchange and bilateral cooperation programs:
• between Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany - until June 30, 2020.
more information on NAWA website
• between Poland and the French Republic (PHC Polonium) - until July 23, 2020.
more information on NAWA website
Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange announced the call for applications under the Bekker Programme
The Bekker Programme offers scholarships to scientists and academic teachers employed at Polish universities and scientific institutions in order to enabling them to hold a postdoctoral internship, conduct scientific research or acquire materials for scientific work in renowned foreign institutions around the world.
Visits may start at the earliest on March 1, 2021 and last from 3 to 24 months (12 months in case of a young scientist).
The scholarship covers expenses related to stay at foreign host institution and a mobility allowance. Additional funding may be granted if the scholarship holder's spouse and / or his or her minor children participate in the visit or in the case of disability - a guardian.
Individual applications should be submitted by those interested in the NAWA electronic system by June 18, 2020.
More information is available on NAWA website
The European Commission has published a 2020 Call for Proposals for higher education projects under the Erasmus+ programme.
Deadlines for submission of applications:
- Capacity Building in Higher Education – by 5 February 2020.
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree – by 13 February 2020.
- Knowledge Alliances– by 26 February 2020.
- Sector Skills Alliances – by 26 February 2020.
- European Universities – by 26 February 2020
- Strategic Partnerships in the field of education and training – by 24 March 2020
The deadlines for submission of applications to several Erasmus+ actions have been extended due to the corona virus outbreak - for more information visit the EACEA website.
More information on the rules of application and the implementation of projects is available:
- In the valid Erasmus+ programme guide available on the website of the European Commission
- on the Polish website of the Erasmus+ programme
- on the website of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
The National Agency for Academic Exchange opened a call for applications in the Ulam 2020 programme. The program allows to invitate a foreign scientist (who has obtained a minimum doctoral degree) to a Polish university for a period of 6 to 24 months. The co-financing covers the costs of the researcher's stay (monthly scholarship in the amount of PLN 10,000) and a mobility allowance to cover travel costs.
The objectives of the scientist's visit to Poland should include:
- completing the first or a subsequent post-doctoral fellowship;
- conducting scientific research, including in cooperation with Polish scientists or research teams;
- obtaining materials for research or a scientific publication;
- conducting didactic classes at the host
The application deadline is April 15, 2020 (extended to April 23, 2020).
More information on the website of NAWA.
The National Agency for Academic Exchange opened a call for applications in the Polish Returns 2020 programme. The programme enables Polish scientists to return to Poland and work at universities and institutes, as well as to obtain a starter grant for basic research funded by the National Centre for Science.
The deadline for submitting applications is 31 March 2020 (extended to April 23, 2020).
More information on the website of NAWA.
NAWA invites students and academic teachers from Polish universities to submit applications to the Students and Researchers Exchange Programme – FOREIGN EXCHANGE OFFER
The offer includes the following countries: Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, the People's Republic of China, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Japan, Kazakhstan, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Taiwan, Ukraine, Hungary and Vietnam.
The call for applications to most of these countries lasts by 20 December 2019
More detailed information is available here for researchers and for students.
The National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced the call for applications for the Iwanowska Programme directed to doctoral students from Polish universities.
Under the Programme, doctoral students may pursue part of their doctoral studies in foreign centres. The stay may last from 3 to 12 months (first trips from September 2020).
At the foreign centre, doctoral students may:
- complete a part of education related to the doctoral dissertation
- conduct scientific research related to the preparation of the doctoral dissertation
- obtain materials for the doctoral dissertation or scientific publications
- carry out part of the " Implementation doctorate" programme
- run classes or other forms of scientific or academic activity related to the preparation of the doctoral dissertation.
Deadline for submission of applications: 18 December 2019.
Please note: applications are submitted directly to NAWA without the assistance of the university.
More detailed information is available at the website of NAWA
The National Agency for Academic Exchange invites to submit applications for a programme of bilateral exchanges of researchers with the People's Republic of China.
The programme offers funding to cover the costs of personal exchanges (travel and stay expenses) in connection with the implementation of joint research projects. The programme does not fund the research itself.
Applications for a joint project must be submitted simultaneously by the Chinese partners to the Ministry of Science and Technology and by the Polish partners to NAWA. The maximum amount of project funding from the NAWA budget is PLN 35,000.
Deadline for submission of applications: 3 December 2019.
More detailed information is available at the website of NAWA.
The National Agency for Academic Exchange invites to submit applications in the program of bilateral exchange of scientists with Wallonia-Brussels (Belgium).
The program offers co-financing for the costs of personal exchange (travel and stay costs) in connection with the implementation of joint research projects. The program does not fund the research itself.
Applications for a joint project must be submitted simultaneously by the Belgian partners to the Wallonie-Bruxelles International and by the Polish partners to NAWA. The maximum amount of funding for a project from the NAWA budget is PLN 25,000.
Deadline for submission of applications: 17 December 2019.
More detailed information is available at the website of NAWA
The program implemented by the Polish-American Fulbright Commission enables Polish institutions to establish cooperation with outstanding American specialists and to jointly implement a project lasting from 2 to 6 weeks
A Specialist's stay in Poland may be related to lectures, workshops, participation in conferences, consultations in the field of research work, expert opinions, etc. The host institution is obliged to cover the costs related to the Specialist's stay (accommodation, meals, domestic travel).
Deadline for applications: 1 October to 12 November 2019.
Detailed information is available on the website of the Fulbright Commission