
Lodz University of Technology has received over PLN 1.1 million to implement the project “Academic Partnership of Lodz University of Technology and ECIU – A New Dimension of Excellence and Collaboration” carried out within NAWA programme entitled “Support for EU-Alliances” (Wsparcie sojuszy Uniwersytetów Europejskich).

The project aims to increase the level of cooperation between Lodz University of Technology (TUL) and key academic partners through the implementation of joint initiatives within the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU). The specific objectives assume:

1. strengthening the position of TUL in the ECIU as an initiator of innovative solutions in the field of joint scientific research and creation of joint transnational didactic offer,

2. increasing the level of academic exchange between TUL and ECIU,

3. acquisition of competencies by students and employees of TUL and ECIU,

4. building a positive image of TUL in the ECIU.

The project envisages the implementation of 4 tasks, under which:

- at least 24 TUL academic staff and 10 PhD students will implement a research mobility to the ECIU universities (80% of them will acquire specialized knowledge and skills of a research/scientific nature and soft-transversal competencies),

- at least 33 students of the alliance universities and 7 students of TUL will participate in the ECIU Ambassadors Academy (80% of them will acquire competencies in emotional intelligence, communication and promotion, community building, and knowledge about the ECIU functioning),

- a prestigious event – the ECIU Board will be held, which will bring together the alliance's most important decision-making bodies and thematic groups, i.e. the ECIU Board, ECIU Institutional Representatives, ECIU Vice Presidents for Education, ECIU Vice Presidents for Research, members of the Research and Innovation Expert Group and the EduCo Group – the experts in international educational projects,

- extensive research will be conducted to develop guidelines, recommendations and potential strategies for creating joint forms of education and awarding joint qualifications within the ECIU; the research will include a detailed needs analysis of the alliance partners and consultations with various stakeholder groups. The research will culminate in a publication and a summary conference. 

The project will contribute to an increase in mobility level within the consortium with the participation of TUL, mitigate the problems of raising funds for the Research Mobility Fund and other activities realized within the alliance, for which no funds were provided in the Erasmus+ project entitled ECIUn+. The project will also make it possible to promote the ECIU's offer more widely at TUL among students and employees, for whom the alliance offers numerous opportunities for development. Organizing the ECIU Board and the ECIU Ambassadors Academy at TUL will contribute to building a positive image and strengthening the university's position in the alliance. It will also provide an opportunity to promote the educational and scientific potential of TUL among its partners. In the long term, the project will also contribute to the development of models for the awarding of joint qualifications within the consortium based on European guidelines and educational quality assurance standards, which is one of the strategic goals of the ECIU.

The project is implemented between 01.10.2024 and 30.09.2026.

Project value: PLN 1 137 388,58.




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