
Fulbright Programme

The Fulbright Program is the largest academic and cultural exchange program in the United States.

The aim of the Fulbright Commission programmes is to develop scientific and cultural cooperation between Poland and the United States. The programme offers, among others:

  • Scholarships for Polish students and doctoral students to study in the United States,
  • Scholarships for Polish scientific and research staff to conduct research and teaching activities at universities in the United States,
  • Scholarships for American students and graduates to study and conduct research at Polish universities,
  • support of a short-term stay of a specialist from the United States in a Polish institution and joint implementation of the project.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the scholarship offer for a trip to the USA. For more information, please visit programme website.

German Academic Exchange Centre (DAAD)

The DAAD is an intermediary organisation in the field of foreign cultural and educational policy of the Federal Republic of Germany, which offers research visits at German universities and research institutions to Polish doctoral students and scientists.

For more information, visit website.



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