
QS World University Rankings

QS World University Rankings is based on 6 metrics such as academic reputation (40%), employers reputation (10%), faculty/student ratio (20%), citations per faculty (20%) and international faculty ratio/international student ratio (10%). The academic and employers reputation ratio is measured by a reputation survey. The highest weighting is attrubited to academic reputation score. Based on QS Academic Survey, it collates the expert opinions of over 100,000 individuals in the higher education space regarding teaching and research quality at the world’s universities. It has grown to become the world’s largest survey of academic opinion. The most recent QS World University Ranking includes 22 Polish universities. Lodz University of Technology takes its place in the range 1001-1200.

In 2024, TUL was once again classified in the QS by Subject ranking, in as many as four disciplines - Chemical Engineering (401-430), Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering (351-400), Chemistry (601-650), Materials Science (401-420). 

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In 2023, the first edition of the QS World University Rankings by Region (Europe) was launched. This ranking allows for a more detailed analysis of European universities, using the same methodology and indicators as the global ranking (QS WUR). In the latest edition, 684 universities were classified, including 32 from Poland. Lodz University of Technology ranked 403rd in Europe and 14th in Poland.

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QS WUR Sustainability measures an institution's ability to tackle the world’s greatest environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges. The assessment takes into account external evidence of the university's commitment - from the impact alumni are making in science and technology to address climate issues to the impact of research aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

In this year's edition of the ranking, 1751 universities were classified, including 22 from Poland. Lodz University of Technology (TUL) was ranked 396th in Europe and placed within the 1041–1060 range globally. The QS Sustainability methodology evaluates 53 metrics grouped into three areas: environmental impact, social impact, and governance. 

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