Główna nawigacja
In English
- Richard Holmes: University Ranking Watch (discussion and analysis of international university rankings and topics related to the quality of higher education - BLOG)
- IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence: IREG Inventory of International University Rankings
- Yavuz Yilmazoglu: How universities can win back international students
- Nic Mitchell: Treat communities as partners to improve social impact
- Brendan O'Malley: How to foster better civic engagement by universities, Universities should be drivers of local sustainability, Universities are key to achieving sustainable development
Angel Calderon: Sustainability rankings show a different side to higher education, Measuring university impact – A rankings innovation
- Helene Peterbauer: University rankings are evolving. But are they improving?
- Fostering sustainable development: the role of Higher Education. Plans, progress and values (recording)
- Ludovic Highman: Emerging from the Mist: French Universities and Global Rankings
- Do university rankings matter? | Hiroshi Ono | TEDxOtemachiED
- THE WUR 2022 Participation Masterclass (recording)
- Vivienne C. Bachelet: False Institutional Affiliations and Gaming University Metrics
In Polish
- Richard Holmes: Polskie uniwersytety w międzynarodowych rankingach
- Dorota Piotrowska: Potrzebne będą nowe metody i narzędzia