This year, Mobility Week returns in the fall season, and the agenda includes many attractions for the entire academic community.
Students can enjoy, among others, meetings at faculties, quizes and breakfasts prepared by foreign students. On November 21 (Tuesday) from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., the ICC building will also host an Erasmus Café - an event integrating students who have already participated in the Erasmus+ programme and those who are considering participating in foreign mobility. All this in a relaxed atmosphere with sweet treats.
A day later, also in the ICC building (9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.), those interested in international volunteering will be able to visit the information stand of the European Solidarity Corps - a programme for young people who want to take part in solidarity activities in various areas - from helping the disabled, health and environmental actions, through to humanitarian aid across the EU and beyond.
We also strongly encourage you to visit the ParkCafe mobile cafe - coffee truck, which will be stationed in various places on campuses A and B throughout the week.
This is where you will be able to obtain detailed information about foreign mobility offered under the Erasmus+ programme, as well as about the opportunities offered by the European Consortium of Innovative Universities ECIU, to which Lodz University of Technology belongs. We invite not only students, but also university employees to meet at the coffee truck.
We also encourage TUL academic staff to participate in a ceremonial meeting summarizing international mobility of TUL students and staff under the Erasmus+ programme and the Education Programme in the academic years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023, which will take place on November 23 (Thursday) at. 2:00 p.m. in the IFE auditorium (ICC building). During the event, the Mobility Leaders awards will be presented and the results of the photo competition for employees of "Mobility of Leon the Lion" will be announced. Refreshments planned after the official part will be an excellent opportunity to share experiences from the trip.
Details about the Mobility Week programme will be sent by e-mail announcement. You can also find information on the Erasmus Politechnika Łódzka (https://www.facebook.com/ErasmusPolitechnikaLodzka) fanpage on Facebook.
ostatnie zmiany 2023-11-15 11:06:48