2024-11-29 10:51:27
Take part in INSEEC Grande École International Week 2025 in France!

INSEEC Grande École invites academic staff to participate in the “International Week: Major shifts in contemporary organizations”, which will take place on April 7 -11, 2025. Teachers will have the opportunity to conduct classes and share their knowledge on one of the following topics: management, marketing, finance. The programme focuses on practice-oriented and project-based learning. The aim of the event is also to strengthen cooperation, promote internationalisation and gain multicultural experience.

Registration is open until January 12, 2025.

Detailed information (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/sites/default/files/INSEEC%2520GRANDE%2520ECOLE%2520-%2520INTERNATIONAL%2520WEEK%25202025%2520Details.pdf)

Application form  (https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=c0-zHt0420KY21O1TnSdUnz3uoJlssBMvbwdmNqzil5UNDlGRFZQTlpKT1lENk9YMDdPUU5WTUE3Ui4u&route=shorturl)

In case of questions, contact the organiser via the following email address: international-paris@inseec.com (mailto:international-paris@inseec.com)

ostatnie zmiany 2024-11-29 10:53:43

staff mobility (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/staff-mobility-0)

Katarzyna Sumińska (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/user/298)