Dear All,
at the beginning I would like to deny all gossips which appear today - you do not have to move out from dormitories and you do not have to pack your things.
More over some time ago the official briefing from polish Prime Minister has finished. The crisis council has made few important decisions. I would like to inform you about them here:
1) All shopping malls will be closed however the markets out of malls will stay open,
2) Banks and pharmacies remain open as well,
3) Cafeterias and restaurants will be closed however they still can delivery food,
4) Assemblies over 50 people are forbidden,
5) From 15th march the boarders of Poland will be closed,
6) All international transport is suspended,
7) Cities in Poland remain open and the national transport is working normally, I know it seems super serious and scary but please do not panic, we are not the first country which has made such decisions. Also it is necessary to take control over spreading virus and people believe it is the best way.
From our site we would like to advise you to stay in Lodz as the situation is dynamic. I hope soon we will be able to bring you some better news. For now let's stay united, International Office and ESN-EYE will also organise some online events to make you feel better during this time.
If you need anything do not hesitate to contact us.
Joanna Wlodarczyk
Head of Students Mobility Division for Exchange Students
UPDATE: Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education on the mobility of exchange students at TUL
Dear Students,
The authorities of the Lodz University of Technology do not see any need for You to leave Poland immediately. If You express your wish to stay in Poland, you will be bound by all regulations concerning Polish students. Each of you expressing willingness to leave Poland is asked to inform the Erasmus CWM office via e-mail (sao@info.p.lodz.pl (mailto:sao@info.p.lodz.pl)) in order to obtain confirmation of the period of stay at the Lodz University of Technology.
Students who have already decided to leave for their home countries are asked to stay there. In case of leaving personal belongings in Poland, at the your request, your roommate or a commission will pack your belongings and we will send them back to your home country address.
We remind you that all planned study and internship trips abroad are suspended until further notice.
From 12 March 2020 until further notice, student reception hours at the offices of the International Cooperation Centre CWM are changed. The offices will be opened according to the following schedule:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 - 11:00
Wednesday - closed to students
It is recommended that all matters are dealt with by telephone or e-mail.
Further decisions on measures for preventing, counteracting and eradicating COVID-19 at the Lodz University of Technology will be communicated in the form of Announcements of the Rector of the Lodz University of Technology. Please follow the information at https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/news/covid-19-information-exchange-students (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/en/news/covid-19-information-exchange-students)
Whole announcement you can read here (https://cwm.p.lodz.pl/sites/default/files/Announcement%20of%20the%20Vice-Rector%20for%20Education%20on%20the%20mobility%20of%20exchange%20students.pdf).
Dear Students,
Considering that there is a risk to Public Health and that the Lodz University of Technology is responsible for ensuring conditions of safety and health to the academic community, on a continuous and permanent basis and in view of the general principles of prevention, the University has defined and approved the Contingency Plan of the Lodz University of Technology for the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19.
Based on the decision of the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education as well as the Rector of Lodz University of Technology, all in-door classes at TUL campus has been cancelled from March 12th, 2020 till April 14th, 2020.
This regulation applies to all of you, however, even though the classes at the campus won't be conducted for the previously mentioned period, you will have the chance to study online (e-learning). Each of you will receive the student number, thanks to which you will have access to our online platform WIKAMP. You will be able to enroll for courses and study at home from the materials prepared for you by professors. We are waiting for the information concerning the additional courses (which ones can be conducted online). As soon as we know that, we will inform you.
All the conferences, parties at TUL campus, events organised by the student’s organisations, etc. has been cancelled.
As for you living in dormitories, you may stay in your places at the dormitories, however, it is impossible to have guests (even guests from other dormitories). Please keep that in mind.
We leave up to you the decision if you are staying in Lodz and continuing your exchange programme at TUL or going back to your home country. Please keep in mind that if you go abroad right now, you will not be able to continue your exchange here. In that case, you will have to continue your semester at your Home University. If you plan to go back to your country, please let us know via e-mail and we will prepare confirmation of stay and transcript of records.
ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-13 09:25:18