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2020-05-13 01:17:44

What will change in the near future with entering the third stage of lifting restrictions?

Business activities - open cosmetics and hairdressing salons and restaurants

Gastronomy and beauty salons are frostbitten. From May 18 we will be able to:

  • use the services of beauticians and hairdressers,
  • eat in a restaurant, cafe, bar, as well as in a shopping center (in a separate gastronomic space).

Important! The guest will be able to eat a meal both in the hall, inside and in the restaurant garden.

The full opening of the catering industry must take place subject to strict sanitary guidelines that ensure safety and service for customers. These principles were determined during consultations with representatives of individual industries.

Recommendations for beauty salons include:

  • the obligation for clients to wear masks, goggles or visors (at the hairdresser's and in the beauty salon - if the procedure allows it);
  • using disposable towels where possible;
  • accepting clients by appointment by phone or online. Warning! The customer cannot wait for the service in the waiting room.

The requirements and recommendations for gastronomy include:

  • limit of people in the premises (there must be at least 4 m2 per person);
  • table disinfection after each client;
  • 2 m distance between tables. Important! Tops can be moved away from each other by 1 m, provided that the tables are separated by additional partitions with a minimum height of 1 m above the table top;
  • maintaining a distance of 1.5 m from guests sitting at separate tables;
  • wearing masks and gloves by chefs and catering staff. Important! Restaurant guests can take off their masks if they are already sitting at the tables.

Social life - care in schools for the youngest, consultations with teachers and changes in public transport

CARE AND EDUCATION (from May 18, from May 25 and from June 1)

The area related to care and education will change. From May 18, it will be possible to conduct classes:

  • practical in post-secondary schools,
  • revalidation and upbringing as well as early development support and specialist revalidation.

On Monday, May 18, institutions and facilities with accommodation and care and educational activities will also be opened. These are e.g. youth hostels, sports centers or community centers.

From May 25, it will be possible to conduct:

  • care and educational classes in grades 1-3 of primary school,
  • consultations with teachers in schools for high school graduates and students in 8 classes, mainly in subjects taken during exams. Consultations will be able to take place individually or in small groups.

Important! Care allowance for parents of children under 8 years is extended.

From June 1 - consultations at schools with teachers for other students in all subjects.

Important! From May 17, children under the age of 13 will be able to leave the house without adult supervision!


The passenger limit in public transport is increased. Thanks to this, on May 18, more people will be able to travel by bus, subway or tram at the same time. Public transport managers will decide whether to use this option. How many people will come on board?

As much as half the seating (as it is today)


30% of all seating and standing positions (in this case, however, half of the seating positions must remain free).

Example: If there are 30 seats and 70 standing (i.e. 100 in total) on a bus, 30 people can travel at a time. Half of the seating positions must remain free. Until now 15 people could enter such a bus.


Restrictions related to the stay of the faithful in places of worship and at other religious ceremonies are also reduced. From Sunday, May 17, during mass or other rite, there must be 10 m2 per participant. To date, there was 15 m2 per 1 person.

SPORT (from May 18)

On May 18, the limits of people who can practice at open sports facilities are increased:

  • at stadiums, sports fields, jumps, tracks, eagles, skate parks - there can be a maximum of 14 people (+ 2 trainers);
  • on open full-size football fields - up to 22 people (+ 4 coaches) can stay.

Warning! The option of dividing a football field into two halves separated by a safety buffer is also introduced. If we separate a 5-meter buffer zone, then 16 people + 3 trainers can be in one half at a time. In total, 32 people (+ 6 coaches) can stay on this full-size football pitch.

On May 18, it will also be possible to organize classes in closed facilities. In sports halls and halls at the same time will be able to practice:

  • 12 people + trainer (in buildings up to 300 m2),
  • 16 people + 2 trainers (in facilities from 301 to 800 m2),
  • 24 people + 2 trainers (in facilities from 801 to 1000 m2),
  • 32 people + 3 trainers (in facilities over 1000 m2).

Important! In closed facilities, it will not be possible to use the cloakroom or the sanitary facility (except for the toilet). Disinfect the devices after each class.

CULTURE (from May 18)

Loosening of restrictions will also occur in the world of culture. And so from May 18 it will be possible, among others:

  • activity of outdoor cinemas (including car cinemas),
  • resumption of work on film sets (including sanitary regulations),
  • resumption of phonographic and audiovisual recordings in cultural institutions,
  • individual classes at art colleges,
  • resumption of trials and exercises.

UNIVERSITIES (from May 25)

The possibility of conducting the following colleges will be restored:

  • didactic classes (for final year students),
  • classes that cannot be implemented remotely.

Return to classes also applies to the education of doctoral students and classes organized e.g. in laboratories and a medical simulation center.

Border checks extended until June 12

Border control at the internal border with Germany, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia is extended by another 30 days - from May 14 to June 12, 2020. As before, the border will only be crossed at designated places. Checks will also continue at seaports and airports.

Let's take care of ourselves - the most important permanent safety rules

The gradual abolition of restrictions does not release us from the application of the basic safety principles. Quite the opposite - they must become the basis of our daily functioning. What should you keep in mind especially?

  • Keep 2 meters away from others in public spaces.
  • Cover your nose and mouth in public areas.
  • Work remotely whenever possible.
  • Stay home if you can.
  • Strictly follow sanitary rules in places where there are a lot of people. Especially in restaurants, at the hairdresser's or beautician's.



ostatnie zmiany 2020-05-13 01:27:04

Coronavirus: latest information and recommendations

Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz