The adventure of studying biotechnology is one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
I can discover the biological processes used on an industrial scale.
-student of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences
Piotr Krzyżanowski
First of all: biotechnology
What do we associate the term Biotechnology with? Certainly with the dynamic development of such fields as genetic engineering, medicine, environmental protection, agriculture or computer science... Are you thinking about starting studies that are related to science? Do you want to explore and discover biological processes that are used on an industrial scale and take up active work in a laboratory under the guidance of the best-qualified people with many years of experience?
My first association - Lodz University of Technology! Taking up studies at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences was so far one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
You're probably wondering: Am I sure I can manage? Is it surely the right choice? I had the same concerns as you. I was wondering if the career path I want to take is definitely the right one, taking into account that in high school I was in a class with a strictly humanistic profile. The beginnings are always difficult, but it is common knowledge that hard work always brings fruitful results, so it is worth taking a risk!
My first day in college
Being on my first day at university I felt slightly lost and unsure. I think that all the people sitting in the same room as me that day had similar feelings. However, being in our faculty more and more, I liked it more and more. If I were to go back in my memory to all the subjects that were in the program, then at this point I can say that everything I learned had some kind of explanation and was used in later years in subsequent courses. It was hard with some subjects... really hard... but we all managed to do it. The lecturers at our university have an individual and respectful approach to each student and are always there to help when we have a problem. If there anything you don't understand – talk to the lecturer during office hours! They will be happy to explain it to you again.
What is best for me?
Surely it is knowledge. Not only content-related but also practical. Hundreds of hours spent in the laboratory, which have made me precise, methodical, and prepared me for later work in my profession, these are the most valuable things you can get by studying biotechnology. Studying biotechnology is a well-planned and balanced curriculum, discussing and implementing state-of-the-art technologies during classes, and a wide range of optional classes. In addition, you can choose an interesting specialization that will allow you to decide on your future job profile.
What after graduation?
There are so many possibilities that it would be difficult to replace them, so if you feel that you will prove yourself as a Biotechnologist, do not hesitate and submit an application!
P.S. We have delicious food in the faculty canteen :)
A showcase of the field of study:
Studying biotechnology is one of the best decisions I have ever made. This course is a well-planned and balanced curriculum, discussing and implementing the latest technologies during classes, and a wide range of additional classes. Hundreds of hours spent in the laboratory, which have made me precise, methodical, and prepared me for my future career, are the most valuable things you can get by studying biotechnology. You can also choose an interesting specialization that will allow you to decide on the profile of your future work. If you feel that you will prove yourself in the role of a biotechnologist, do not hesitate and submit an application to the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences.
Piotr Krzyżanowski
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ostatnie zmiany 2020-12-08 12:04:52