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2023-05-04 11:07:28
The Polish-German Academic Forum (Warsaw School of Economics) is organizing another edition of the German-language summer school this year.

The summer school will concern Polish-German economic relations, social policy, financial economy, inflation, energy, etc. and is addressed to students from Germany and Poland.

Date: from 03/09 to 15/09/2023. in Warsaw at the Warsaw School of Economics.

Students of bachelor's and master's studies of all German and Polish universities can participate.

Participation cost 850 Euro (including breakfast, lunch, 3-day trip to Krakow, German language course) for up to 8 participants will be covered by the Sanddorf Foundation + 50 Euro for partial accommodation costs. More information and scholarship application at: is external) until May 31, 2023.

Details of offer:

Einladung polnischer Studierende SGH Sommerschule 2023.pdf


programm-der-Sommerschule-2022 (1).pdf

ostatnie zmiany 2023-05-04 11:08:23

student mobility

Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz