As part of the work on combating CVID-19, the Government of the Republic of Poland prepared three draft regulations on restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of the epidemic. These are three variants of restrictions that will be applied depending on the development of the situation. They concern:
- the so-called the accountability stage (it will be valid from November 28 to December 27),
- the stabilization stage, i.e. the return to the division of Poland into three new zones - red, yellow and green (from December 28 at the earliest - depending on the epidemic situation),
- national quarantine (which will be introduced as a last resort, when it will be necessary to immediately and drastically reduce the transmission of the virus in society).
Responsibility stage - from November 28 to December 27
Shops in shopping malls with a sanitary regime
The persistently high number of COVID-19 cases does not allow for far-reaching lifting of restrictions and limitations. From November 28, however, the possibility of shops and services in shopping centers and retail parks will be restored under strict sanitary regime.
There will be a limit of people in shops and shopping malls - a maximum of 1 person. on 15 m2. Remember that in public spaces you have to cover your nose and mouth. When entering the store, disinfect your hands or use protective gloves during all shopping.
Winter holidays from 4 to 17 January
The study break across the country will last from January 4 to January 17, 2021 and will replace the previous winter holidays. However, this year's holiday will be different from the others. Children and youth will stay at home due to the prohibition of organizing trips for winter holidays.
The government supports the tourism industry. Entrepreneurs who operate in the winter tourism industry can also count on help. They will receive compensation to help ease the effects of the crisis.
Other rules and limitations - responsibility stage
- distance of 1.5 m from other people;
- restrictions on the movement of children and adolescents under 16 years of age. From Monday to Friday (on school days), from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, they can move only with a parent or legal guardian.
Cultural events and cinemas
- Activity suspended
Collective communication
Restrictions on the number of people in public transport:
- 50% of the number of seats, either
- 30% of the total number of seats and standing positions, while leaving at least 50% of the seats unoccupied in the vehicle.
Religious worship
- Limiting the number of people in churches - max. 1 person on 15m2
- obligation to keep a distance of min. 1.5 m from other people and covering nose and mouth.
Meetings and events
- The meeting may be attended by max. 5 people.
- Events organized at home - with the participation of max. 5 people. This limit does not apply to people who live together.
Weddings, communions and consoles
- Ban on organization
Trade fairs and events
- Online only
Theme parks
- Activity suspended
- Remote learning for students of all grades of primary and secondary school.
Shops and shopping malls
- Limited number of clients - max. 1 person / 15m2
- Hours for seniors - from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00
- Suspended activity, except for business guests, athletes and medics
- Only "to take" and "to deliver"
Hairdressing and beauty salons
- Functioning in a sanitary regime - min. 1.5 m distance between stations
Gyms, fitness clubs and water parks
- Activity suspended
Competition and sporting events
- Without audience participation
From December 28, the stabilization stage - depending on the epidemic situation, a gradual return to the red, yellow and green zones is possible
When the number of cases decreases, there will be a return to the division into zones: red - voivodeships with the highest number of patients, yellow and green - voivodeships with the lowest number of patients. What rules will apply in the zones?
When the average daily number of cases over 7 days reaches approx. 19 thousand
- distance of 1.5 m from other people;
- restrictions on the movement of children and adolescents under 16 years of age. From Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 16:00, they can move only with a parent.
Cultural events and cinemas
- 25 percent seats occupied by the audience - when every fourth seat is made available in the audience, alternate rows.
Collective communication
Restrictions on the number of people in public transport:
- 50% of the number of seats, either
- 30% of the total number of seats and standing positions, while leaving at least 50% of the seats unoccupied in the vehicle.
Religious worship
- Limiting the number of people in churches - max. 1 person on 15m2
- obligation to keep a distance of min. 1.5 m from other people and covering nose and mouth.
- The meeting may be attended by max. 5 people.
- The distance between gatherings cannot be less than 100 m.
- Events organized at home - with the participation of max. 5 people. This limit does not apply to people who live together.
Weddings, communions and consoles
- Ban on organization
Trade fairs and events
- Online only
Theme parks
- Activity suspended
- Students of primary school grades 1-3 - full-time education
Shops and shopping malls
- Limited number of clients - max. 1 person / 15m2
- Hours for seniors - from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00
- Suspended activity, except for business guests, athletes and medics
- Only for takeout and delivery
Hairdressing and beauty salons
- Functioning in a sanitary regime - min. 1.5 m distance between stations
Gyms, fitness clubs and water parks
- Activity suspended
Competition and sporting events
- Without audience participation;
When the average daily number of cases over 7 days reaches approx. 9.4 thousand
- No restrictions
Cultural events and cinemas
- 25 percent seats occupied by the audience - when every fourth seat is made available in the audience, alternate rows.
Collective communication
Restrictions on the number of people in public transport:
- 50% of the number of seats, either
- 30% of the total number of seats and standing positions, while leaving at least 50% of the seats unoccupied in the vehicle.
Religious worship
- Limiting the number of people in churches - max. 1 person on 7m2
- The meeting may be attended by max. 25 people.
- The distance between gatherings cannot be less than 100 m.
Weddings, communions and consoles
- Limiting the number of guests - max. 50 people
Trade fairs and events
- Online only
Theme parks
- Limited number of people - max. 1 person / 7m2
- Hybrid teaching
Shops and shopping malls
- Limited number of clients - max. 1 person / 7m2
- Activity without limits
- Open from 6.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
Hairdressing and beauty salons
- No restrictions
Gyms, fitness clubs and water parks
- Gyms and fitness clubs - 1 person / 7m2
- Aquaparks - max. 50 percent occupancy
Competition and sporting events
- 25 percent seats taken by the audience
When the average daily number of cases over 7 days reaches approx. 3.8 thousand
- No restrictions
Cultural events and cinemas
- 50 percent seats taken by the audience
Collective communication
Restrictions on the number of people in public transport:
- 100% of the number of seats, either
- 50% of all seats and standing places
Religious worship
- Limiting the number of people in churches - max. 1 person on 4m2
- The meeting may be attended by max. 100 people.
Weddings, communions and consoles
- Limiting the number of guests - max. 100 people
Trade fairs and events
- Limiting the number of participants - max. 1 person / 4m2
Theme parks
- Limited number of people - max. 1 person / 4m2
- Hybrid teaching
Shops and shopping malls
- Activity without limits
- Activity without limits
- Activity without limits
Hairdressing and beauty salons
- Activity without limits
Gyms, fitness clubs and water parks
- Gyms and fitness clubs - 1 person / 7m2
- Aquaparks - max. 50 percent occupancy
Competition and sporting events
- 50 percent seats taken by the audience
Have you already had COVID-19? Donate your plasma and become an honorary donor
If you have had COVID-19 and have recovered, plasma from your blood can be of great help to other patients who are struggling with the disease. Plasma can be collected from people:
- at the age of 18 - 65 who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection,
- after recovery, at least 28 days have passed since symptoms disappeared or 18 days after the end of isolation,
- after meeting the basic eligibility criteria for blood donors specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of September 11, 2017 on the conditions for collecting blood from candidates for blood donors and blood donors (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1741).
Important! Plasma can be donated at the earliest 28 days after recovery from confirmed previous COVID-19 disease or 18 days after the end of isolation.
Do you meet these conditions? Donate your plasma and become an honorary donor! You will help others and you will gain:
- 2 days off from work
- discount for rail and city transport
- medical consultation package - cardiologist, neurology, pulmonologist, etc.
Source: www.gov.pl
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ostatnie zmiany 2020-11-23 08:46:42